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"Are you sure you know the way?" Dad asked for the fifth time today ever since we had our breakfast.

"Yes dad, we've been there three times." He was pulling over to the side of the road to park the car. He immediately volunteered to drive us to the bus station as soon as he heard me and Peter talk about getting a cab to take us both to the bus station.

"Yes, but on our car." He said as he got off the car. Typical dad.

"It's just two bus rides dad. We'll be fine. Besides, Peter's with me." I looked at Peter, who was looking very startled to be dragged into this conversation with my dad.

"That's the thing, I don't trust you two boys to not get into trouble." Here we go again. Mom was proposing to come along with us on the trip for a little vacation from the vacation house – if that makes any sense. She said, they'd be far from us and that we'd still have some privacy to do whatever we want, it's just that they'll be there in the same place, with us.

"Dad." I whined.

"Okay, okay. Just saying." Dad puts up his hands in defeat.

"Don't worry Mr. E, I'll make sure Alex stays out of trouble." Peter said to my dad with a smile on his face and a hand on my shoulder, but winked at me secretly.

"Alright. But one of you has to call when you get there okay?" The bus honked signalling that it was about to leave.

"Yes dad. We will." I said as I picked up our bags, and Peter picked up the remaining ones and we went into the bus.

"Don't forget to call." Dad yelled as the bus started moving.

"Yes dad."

"Sure thing Mr. E"

We both sat on our seats as we wave to my dad. I then looked at him weirdly.

"What?" He asks, caught dumbfounded by my sudden stare.

"Since when did you start calling my dad, mMr. E'?" I raised an eyebrow at him, making him chuckle.

"Don't worry about it."

Oh great, now he has a secret that he won't tell me. Fine.

"What?" He must've noticed my sudden mood change. He bumped my shoulder with his as he smiled. I looked at him. We're really doing this. I gave up and just smiled as well.

"Nothing." I returned his shoulder bump. We both started chuckling.

This trip will be the trip where we'll give no care about what other people think when they look at us. I didn't want to hide for once. So I held his hand and leaned on him even though people can see, I'll just shrug them off anyway. It may not be that bad, but it's a start.

The six hour trip came to a close when we arrived at the house we're staying at. Now it really feels like I'm on a vacation with all these new scenery, people, smell, house, bed, everything.

We both knew that we had a few hours left of sunshine before nightfall, but we just stayed at the comfy bed at the house, staring at the beautiful sea from the balcony whilst the complementary wine that came with the house – after calling my parents of course.

Too bad dad couldn't buy a house here. He says, everything is owned by this businessman from Europe or something. The only thing we could do is pay rent every year for this specific house we're staying at, but at least we get to see this beautiful mass of water, sitting outside, waiting for our skins to touch them.

We stayed there until dinner, just telling stories to each other – random childhood memories was my pick.

Good thing mom made us take some of Rebecca's chicken pot pie, or else we'd be doomed because I forgot that we were supposed to cook our own meal. It didn't dawn on me until Peter asked about food.

After dinner, I went outside while Peter washed the dishes – which he volunteered to do – and stared the sea some more under the moonlight.

"It looks better under the moon."

I looked around to see who said it. It was the housekeeper, Renez.

"Oh, yeah it does." I replied as I looked back at the sea.

"There's a party down at the beach if you want to go, everybody is welcome" He said.

A party?

"What kind of party?"

"Ehh, Hawaiian style, I think you know how that goes. I'm too old for them, I only go there for a drink every once in a while." He then chuckled.

I chuckled in response and he went on his way.

"See you tomorrow then." He said walking away.

"Goodnight Mr. Gonzales." I replied.

"Renez will do."

"Okay, goodnight Renez."

"Have fun crazy kids, but not too much fun." He then disappeared into the shadows.

A few moments later Peter came to me, I told him about the party and said that he'd be happy to go.

Why not, right?

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