Dinners and Goodbyes

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After talking a little bit more with Cassidy while we were swimming, I've gained knowledge as to where she is staying at. It's not quite far from where we are, so it gives us a little bit of time to get things ready before we go to their place.

We both sat at our spot on the beach as the sun started to set, everyone else was watching as well. It felt like a ritual that the people do here. Sunset amidst, the beach sundering at every wave, and birds setting the mood with their melancholic singing, as we talk about what would we be doing tomorrow morning.

The beach is so wide and curved that you can actually watch both sunrise and sunset on the same beach, it was mind blowing. We just sat there watching the sun slowly trickle down and get swallowed by the ocean, beautiful streams of fiery red and orange spread all across the skies only to be eaten by darkness in a matter of minutes.

As we get our things, lights all around started to turn on and we went on our way back home. We stopped by a shop that was selling wine, so we thought why not buy one and bring the unfinished wine back home to Cassidy's place? Peter didn't seem to mind the thought of bringing drunken wine to a friend's place at all.

I found a thirty year old one which looked promising, paid for it then went home. We changed our clothes and went to where Cassidy was staying. Their house looked a little smaller than where we were staying, in fact, their place looks cosier, more put together, more warm, friendly. In other words, I like their place better than ours.

When we got there, they were just about to put the first meat on the grill. I could hear music and laughing coming from inside, while Wendy – Cassidy's friend – was in front of the grill.

"Grill duty?" I greeted Wendy with a smile, as we approached the front porch.

"Designated chef. What can you do?" She replied, a wide grin plastered on her face.

"Mind if I help?" Peter asked her. I didn't bother to stick around and just went inside to where the laughter was.

"I got the wine." I announced.

Everyone else greeted me and immediately took the wines out of my hands.

The night lasted a little longer than I anticipated, but it was a lot of fun. The burgers and steaks were quite scrumptious and the wine made the night even better. There was dancing, singing, star gazing, and storytelling. We then watched two movies after that which made the night even longer.

Peter and I originally planned to go back home, but it was already morning when I opened my eyes realizing that I slept on the couch where we watched the movies last night.

I looked at my watch and thought that it was almost time to go. My brain instinctively tried to think of things to do before we leave. I looked for Peter and woke him up as well, then Cassidy.

But as soon as Cassidy woke up, everybody else did as well. So we said our goodbyes right then and there, but of course we left a phone number so we can still talk to each other when Peter and I go back to Trevallaño.

We frantically went back to our place and just grabbed everything that we own and shoved it inside our bags, without folding.

We double checked everything before we left our room, paid Renez, said our goodbyes as well and went to the bus station.

We got there just in time. A minute longer and the bus would've left and we'd be forced to wait four hours until the next one comes.

"So?" I nudged him as we both sat on our seats.

"So what?" He replied acting as if he doesn't know what I'm talking about.

"How was the trip?"

"I had a lot of fun. Thank you." He smiled wildly as he stared at my eyes with his irresistible orbs and gently kisses my head.

"Good." I leaned on his shoulder as I watched the fields of grass on top of this hill that we once visited and reminisced how extraordinary the scenery was.

It's definitely a place I'll never forget.

I'm gonna miss this place, and the people that we met here.

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