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I needed some fresh air to think about what mom said to me a few days ago, so I've decided to go to my most favorite spot in Trevallaño and perhaps catch up on my reading while I'm there.

The thought of Peter liking me haunted me for days. What if he did? What if he didn't? I still cannot fathom the thought, or even the concept of Peter having the slightest bit of affection that he can somehow conjure towards me.

It just doesn't add up in this world. Perhaps in a different world it can happen, but only then will I know, how to respond to his enchanting offer.

I'm beguiled like breakfast in mid-day, it seemed too good to be true at the moment, that's why I needed to think.

I immediately hopped to my bike as soon as I was finished with my breakfast, even my parents were surprised to see me going out this early in the morning. Yet they still have no clue how many times I've gone out of the house earlier than now. I always sneak at the back entrance and go out to the front yard, walking casually and still, they suspect nothing.

A simple trick I learned a while back.

The morning breeze was raw, crude and overwhelming to say the least. It was helping, but not enough. I needed to go to my place to fully address my needs, and what I need is some serenity and peace to think.

I pass the old tree again, with leaves like pencil shavings, spreading its arms as it sways together with the beat of the wind, dropping a few leaves at a time. An odd color during summer, but I didn't care, just as the people here didn't care about that old tree. It's been there for a while, ever since I can remember.

Yet no one seems to care.

Has Peter seen this tree yet?

I'd have to ask him later.

Here I go again, thinking about him. It seems that every moment my mind wanders off, somehow, in the distance, I can see Peter. And I'm afraid because I exactly know why.

I pass the book store where I first met Peter, the feeling so fresh I can feel it like it was yesterday. The face, the handshake, the way he talked. It was all new to me, but at the same time it was also familiar. Like remembering a dream you had when you wake up. It's vaguely vivid, but the gist is there.

I pedalled faster, my nervousness kicking in once more, I had to reach my place sooner. Perhaps, I can properly place the right feelings on the right person when I get a better look at things in a different perspective.

I was almost out of the town when I saw a familiar figure in the distance, a shadow of a person who may become my mere demise or eternal happiness. My heart raced as I pedalled faster to confirm my suspicions, I wanted to be right just so I can greet him a good day, but I also want to be wrong because I think I'm not ready to face him yet, to know what secrets lie behind his charming smile. To actually know whether mom spoke the truth or if was it all for nothing. I don't know if I'm ready.

But I was right, it was him. I was both happy and nervous.

It's Peter, casually walking the streets of Trevallaño with his head down, hands in his pockets and some sunglasses, just walking aimlessly through the crowd. What's he doing here all alone? My inner nosiness is starting to kick in, impeccably untamed. I can't help it.


Should I interrupt him? Or should I leave him with his thoughts?

Perhaps slip past by him and hope that he'd call me?

I can hear people walking by as I stopped my bike, waiting for my mind to make up its own mind.

Moments passed, I've made my decision.

Here I go.

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