Perfect Moment

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As I gazed upon him while we sit here on this train, I watched him admire the view outside the window of a cliff-side forest and the sea. Both him and the breath taking view caught my attention, and may possibly be my mere demise as I gape at their mere existence.

Everything seemed perfect at that moment as I hugged my pillow and leaned upon his shoulder to rest on. He felt warm like pancakes on my plate, just like how Rebecca makes them.

I didn't knew what perfect was because I know I'm just as naive as a rock, but everything was perfect then, when he wrapped an arm around me as I gently rest my soul onto his.

I feel safe in his arms, away from danger, free from pain, all I could feel is love and a little bit of warmth as well.

I can feel his heat raging through the cold air around the cart. It's a little bit weird that we were the only passengers on this part of the train but I am genuinely happy about it. There's no one to bother us, no one to stare at us, no nothing. Just pure peace and quiet. Well, as quiet as a train can be.

And at that moment, I knew, just right from this moment. This perfect moment, I knew, he's definitely the one. The way he passively caresses my arm with his thumb, the calmness of how he breathes as I press my body against his, the random kisses on the forehead that he gives from time to time. It felt all perfectly placed.

If this isn't how two soulmates should act around each other, then I don't know what they should even do.

The cold didn't bother to seep its way through the tiny gap between our bodies, he was too warm and I loved it. It doesn't compare to our heater back at home, he puts that decades old heater into shame. That's how warm he can be.

I didn't knew where we were or what were we doing in a train, but I do know that as long as I'm with Peter, everything would be alright. I hugged him tighter, trying to make the moment last, as if I'm never seeing him tomorrow. I may love him too much, but it's better than having to love someone who doesn't even love you back.

Everything seemed fine until it dawned on me. I inhaled heaps of breath through my nose as I opened my eyes and awaken from my slumber on my bed.

It was just a dream after all.

I looked around. The windows were closed, the chair for my study table was placed beside my bed, then I heard shuffling from across the room. I tried to sit up from my bed as I attempted to look towards where the sound came from.

It was the master bed. Someone was sleeping on it.

The person was covered by the duvet except for the head, but its head was turned against me. So I looked at the hair instead, then it registered in my brain. That's Peter's hair.

I thought he had left me after I slept last night.

It must be past 8. The rays of the sun are shining its might into my room. I take a moment to breathe it all in until I slowly get out of my bed. Why'd he torture himself by sleeping on that bed? He could've just slept on the sofa downstairs, it's more comfortable than that old thing.

I probably should've told him.

I'm now feeling better than last night. Rebecca's chicken noodle soup always does the trick. I'd have to thank her later.

I then started to tiptoe my way to the door, but as I was opening it, he called me.


"Peter. Did I wake you?" He sat on the bed and rubs his eye holes.

"No. Are you better now?" He got out from the bed and made his way towards me while I gently close my bedroom door.

"Yes. Thank you" I smiled at him as he stood in front of me. His hair messy, his voice groggy, his clothes all crinkled. He looked perfect.

"Good." He smiled then kisses my cheek. Then goes to the bathroom.

I was still gaping, he's bewitched me again. I put a hand on the cheek that he kissed, and thought: this is definitely better than my dream.

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