My Place

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"Need a ride stranger?" I spoke from behind. He immediately looks up and searched around in hopes of finding the mysterious sound that is my voice.

His face lights up like always when he looks at me, then proceeds to give me his million dollar smile and his casual yet captivating "hey".

Once again, I'm trapped.

"We have to stop meeting like this" I joked. I didn't know what to say, now his eyebrows are crossed. Unforgiving, like the waves crashing to the shore, like I've said something wrong yet everything seemed fine in my eyes.

But why?

"You're not following me are you?" He retorts, quickly dodging my previous initial remark on this not so good start of the day. I lost. Again.

"No. Just going. Somewhere." I sucked at lying. I was heading to my most favorite spot in Trevallaño to read the last book I had bought from the book store when I first met the very person who I'm talking to right now.

"Oh, is it quiet?" He's prying. Prying over dangerous waters. Should I let him drown? Or pull him with me?

It's hard to decide.

"Very" Was my response.

"Yeah?" He replied. My heart pounded. I forgot. He likes to tag along.

"Yeah" I echoed him. So much for my response.

"Can I come?" No. Wait. Yes. I mean. I don't...

"Yeah, sure" My mouth opened. Did my brain do that? I can't remember. He quickly sat on the back seat behind me and held firmly on my shoulders. His weight immediately shifts my bike to the right but luckily I held on.

Okay. I guess he's coming.

Was I glad? Yes.

Really? No.


I'm torn in between. Yes and no. Both at the same time, like yin and yang.

No one has ever seen this place except me. It's like the pond but this one is more special.

I want him to see it, but at the same time I didn't want him to see it.

It was hard to pedal at the start, but once I got used to the added weight, everything felt serene, balanced, fine.

I asked where his bike was, he said he left it at the book store which is quite the distance where I found him. He just felt like walking he said.

We were on the dirt road in no time, the gentle breeze slowly greeting us with its glorious fury as our distance from the town grew larger and larger, till it was but a tiny spec from afar, almost invisible.

"Where we going?" Peter asks, as he stood up from the back and raised his arms through the air, greeting every particle of Trevallaño with full enthusiasm and happiness. I like this moment right here, his eyes closed, his smile wider than usual, clothes dancing in the mercy of the wind, like a little kid having the time of his life. A moment to remember for a long time.

"A quiet place" I smiled as I looked up at him from behind. No vehicle ever goes here, but the path still stays for reasons I cannot fathom to decipher.

He takes a big huff and sits back down then does something that never even crossed my mind. He hugs me, from behind. I can feel the warmth of his chest and his head on my back.

"Wake me up when we get there" He says. If only this road could never end, I'd never stop. I thought I was calm. Nope. Definitely wrong.

He hugged me tighter which made my heart beat faster. I'm surprised he hasn't noticed yet.

"Mhm" I tried to muster up. My mind wasn't thinking straight. He's got me trapped and I can't break free, like a fly on a spider's web. So weak, under his spell.

But I like it.

So much.

It was silence after that, the only thing I can hear was the squeaking of my rusty pedals, the chains clanging to the edge of the bike every few seconds and the casual sound of the flock of birds flying over us.

It was like that, until we got to the place.

My place.

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