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We found this beautiful garden restaurant that just cleanses your senses, from the lighting, the ambiance, the smell, up to the food that they serve. Everything about it was relaxing like you wouldn't even imagine. Everything was fresh, the food tasted like it came out of a Michelin star kitchen. It was so good that I nearly moaned with every bite that I took.

There were still a lot of time to go to the beach so we went back home and grabbed everything we needed there before we made our way to the sunny and sandy shores that is the beach. As we approached said beach, we can see a few people having a good time swimming and some were just having a tan.

As we set up our place near the tall cliff for some shade, we both sat down and I started applying sun block.

"So what are you lovebirds up to?" That voice, it sounded so familiar. I looked behind me only to be greeted by Cassidy.

"Cass, hey." I said as I handed Peter the sun block.

"Hello. We're going for a dip." Said Peter as he applied sun block onto his face.

"Oh, trying to get that salty water on your skins huh?" She replied.

"Yeah, we've been dying to go since we got here." I looked at the waves crashing, it looked calming.

"Oh yeah, I love it here. Anyway, we're playing beach volleyball over there by the life guard house and we need one more player, any one of you interested?" I peeked over to the people that were playing volleyball. It looked fun to watch though.

"I'm game. Although I've only played grass volley ball." Peter joked as he got up and gave me a hand. I grabbed his hand as Cassidy chuckled.

"Great! You two are so adorable by the way." I don't know why, but knowing what she thought of us being a couple and liking it actually felt good, therapeutic even.

I couldn't help but smile.

We made our stride towards the group of people that are waiting for us, they happily welcomed Peter and I.

The sun had already started its descent when the game started. I just watched them play volley ball together with several observers on the side. The sun against our faces, people getting sweaty and things were getting a little bit heated up because every set ended in a really close match, but in the end the opposing team won.

Peter got the most scores though, just saying.

This was the perfect excuse to just watch him for a long time, which is something I haven't been able to do much lately since I always either look down or somewhere else that is not his face. Unless he's talking to me, then I'd gladly look at his eyes until I get lost in them as per usual, but most of the time I don't get to, until now that is.

He jogs up to me and I smile at him. "Great game." I said trying not to sound sarcastic.

"They were really good."

"I could tell."

"So, do you two have any plans later?" Cassidy stepped in. We both looked at her.

"After swimming? We don't know." Peter said to her, then he turned to me. "Do we know?" His eyebrows crossed.

I chuckled. "Dinner, I guess."

"Well, if you guys don't have anything to do later, you can come over and have dinner with me and the girls." She said as she started walking away and towards the waters. "We're grilling." She shouted.

"Should we bring anything?" I shouted back.

"Red wine should do." I heard her say and I just gave her a thumbs up.

"Do we know where she lives?" Peter asked. Oh Peter, what a smart question. I laughed at that, making me stand up and pull him to the waters.

Of course I don't know, but we can always ask her before we go, right?

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