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I was more quiet than usual. I've never had a date before, so it was quite nice of him to surprise me with one. Seeing as though we've never had an authentic romantic date with just the two of us before, now was the perfect time to have one and I'm grateful for it.

"I'm really a very good listener, but I'm a very bad talker, I must admit" I shyly look at his smile that he's giving me.

"You're doing fine" Peter touches my hand on the table. I get the tingles all over my spine and my whole body. As the sun sets on this fine late afternoon delight, I tried to give him a side smile then held his hand. "You know, a wise person once said, there is no living thing that is not afraid when it faces his fears, but it takes a great deal of courage to overcome it"

I look at his hand, the melody of the wind silently enchanting us with its relentless blows, Peter is a better talker than I am, that's for sure.

"You're right" He is. I held his hand tighter as I faced his gaze that's been piercing through me since we got here. I was so used to staring at him without him noticing that I never got to be accustomed to actually looking at him while he's looking at me. It was too foreign.

"I cannot understand why you should wish to leave Trevallaño and go back to where you're from" He lightly scuffs while he smiled, he thinks I'm joking.

"It's not that I wish it, but it's more of 'I have to', just like you" I know exactly what he meant. He stands up and yanks me up from where I sit then pulls me in for a hug. I've forgotten how much I loved hugs, it's the one gift anyone can give that comes in one size but fits everyone. "I have to say my thanks as well"

I was confused. "Thanks for what?" I spoke my mind.

"It was you that made my mother laugh, and saved her from growing as gray as her other surroundings."

"How?" We broke the hug.


He looked up at the trees swaying at the mercy of the breeze.

"By being you"

"By being me?" I echoed his words as his eyes went back to me once more.

"Yeah. She lost hope for love since my father died. But seeing us last night, made her see that love still exists. Even from two people that shouldn't even be compatible in the eyes of society." I nodded, he's right.

"I'm glad to hear that" I went to the flat shaped big rock and sat there, looking towards the sunset over the field, Peter joined in as well.

"The actions we show have wonderful powers. And the most curious things about them is that they can speak louder than words" I looked at him, he was staring in the distance candidly, the look I once saw before we had our first kiss. The kind smolder, but at the same time, tamed with emotions. Nothing was seeping out from his face, but it wasn't emotionless either.

I leaned on his shoulder and he instinctively wraps an arm around me.


No words were needed to express how we feel about each other, he was right again. I knew he was intelligent, but never on things like this. Yet another something I'm wrong about. All we hear are leaves dancing effortlessly in the migrating cold wind from the east. As we watched the place get swallowed by darkness, by then we knew it was almost time to go.

"I know our days are numbered. I know you know too. So, let's make the rest of it worth wile." He finally spoke.

"Yeah, I know" I gave him a weak smile.

"Don't be sad, we still have a few weeks left" But I can't help it, and reminding me of it isn't helping either.

"I just don't want you to go" I started to tear up. So I just grabbed him from his back and pulled him towards me for an even tighter hug, a hug that translates into 'Please don't leave me'.

We stayed there for a few more minutes, until it was pitch black.

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