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We walked down to the beach and it took us around half an hour to walk from the house to where the party was. It was a good amount of time to talk about my music as Peter kept insisting me on knowing perhaps too much information about that. It's not that I don't like sharing it, it's just that there's not much to talk about.

I mostly do inspired freestyle with the way I do my own music, it was never an unchartered territory for me to have a pattern or some sort to be able to play what I feel. There just has to be an influence, always, because I've never tried to find on my own - the music that shouts... me.

I've never tried exploring my music, it was always about other musicians and how they interpret a feeling and translate their own music in which I make my own version of their creation. It's somewhat a form of sampling but not really.

I've never recorded any of my works as far as audio is concerned, but I always seem to know them like the back of my hand. I only recently started writing the music that I do, for documentation purposes. And also, I thought that they'd be of use to someone someday.

The sand already made its way in between my toes from the very first step that I took and as we walk further down the seemingly obvious pathway to the party, I can hear the heavy Hawaiian-Cuban like music getting louder and louder. It's definitely something I've never heard before but I actually like it.

"You hear that?" He asks, stopping midway to our destination.

"Yeah, it's really good." I can also hear the sound of the waves crashing to the shore, everything beyond that was pitch black. The moon does help making our path visible, but sadly it cannot do more than that.

"Come on!" He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the heavy beating of what I think was bongos.

I just giggled inaudibly on the Peter that I'm seeing. Like an innocent 10 year old that just wanted to have fun after school.

I would love to see that.

Soon enough we got to the party and I was not disappointed. It felt like a luau and a club at the same time. There's the bar to the right, people eating on the left, tons of booths to get food, and then there's the dance floor, which consists of flashing Christmas lights, people wearing glow sticks, necklace flowers and of course, the important element, music.

"Shall we?" He asks. My heart immediately raced. It's just dancing, what could go wrong?

I was partly hesitant and partly ready to dance my heart out, because Peter is here. I stood awkwardly for a few seconds as I watched him move his body to the rhythm of the music. I guess it was now or never.

I did what I had to and danced away like nobody is watching.

After a few songs, I got tired. I decided to grab myself something to drink.

"He'll have two on me" A girl walks up and sits next to me with her glossy lips, puffed up hair and very floral skirt with a blue shirt that she wore pretty lazily which screams "I have boobs, you can look, but don't touch".

"Nice moves you got over there." She said, trying to assert her dominance in the conversation. In the first place, she has nothing to lose because she never gained anything. Well, maybe just the drink that she bought for me but I don't think she'll care about that.

"Oh, thank you. You weren't so bad yourself." I tried complimenting her even though I did not see her at the dance floor.

"You didn't see me did you?" Ah, she figured it out already.

"Nope." I replied. We both chuckled.

"The name's Cassidy, but Cass will do." She extended her hand for me to shake right as our drinks came.

"Alex. Nice to meet you." I shook her hand and immediately grabbed the fruity drink that I ordered.

"Oooh, pinacolada, interesting choice."  Interesting? More like boring.

She inspected the drink that I ordered. Well, it was her idea to do this so she better not complain. "Cheers." She smiled and we clinked our drinks under the moonlight.

I peered over to where Peter was dancing as I drink, but as it turns out, he was walking towards me with a big smile plastered on his cute face.

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