Our Yeah

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Months passed, I hadn't heard from Peter yet. I have yet to hear his voice, how much has he changed, does he still remember me?

Winter hasn't been forgiving, but we're back on our vacation house for the holidays. The white thin sheet of snow had already covered the roof. I had flashbacks when I got here a few days ago; of everything. Then I felt like I had to start again. Start something new, it was like being back here last summer, except, it's cold now.

I could only dream of his touch, his lips, his kisses, his hugs. It's been days since we've been here, but I hadn't seen him yet. I went to the place where we first met, but the world wouldn't let me have my way. The library was closed for the holidays and it was too cold outside to wait for someone who doesn't even know I'm there.

It seemed that our paths still aren't connected for some unknown reason. I went back home not forlorn, a little disappointed maybe, but it's not that big of a deal. I think.

I greeted my mom who was in the kitchen helping Rebecca with the food to eat for Christmas Eve. I grabbed the new book I was reading as I finished the last one during school where I had some spare time not thinking about Peter. I still hadn't touched the book he gave me though, it's still sitting upstairs, gathering dust. Perhaps I should read that after this one.

I can read again thankfully, without thinking of Peter too much. I had time to practice, I may not be an expert at it but I can do it ever so slowly.

Just as I was about to turn the page, the phone rang.

"I'll get it" I spoke to no one in particular.

I picked up the phone only to hear breathing, so I answered first with a breathy "Hello?"

I let my defenses down for a moment just for the person on the other line to feel as if I were vulnerable in a way with my voice.

"Alex? Is Alex there?" I heard his voice. The one I've been dreaming about. Is this a dream? Is it really him?

"Hi! Hey. How are you?" I whispered through his ear, or rather as much close as I can get with a telephone. I finally had the courage to ask the question I dare not ask, but I had to. It was just common courtesy. How is he? I could think of so many answers.

"I'm good, I'm good. And you?" He asks. A question I've been dying to answer since I heard his voice on the phone.

"Better now." I said, trying to refer to his question from that time when we were alone in my room with him taking care of me willingly, even though my parents were just downstairs.

"Good." He replied quite hastily but pauses, I can almost hear him smile through the phone. "You never did answer that question back then". He added chuckling.

He remembers. I smile wildly.

"I miss you." I let these words slip right out of my mouth. I couldn't control my heart, it's beating too fast.

"I miss you too. So much. So much." I felt weak at the knees when he said those words that I had to sit down on the chair by the phone, I couldn't contain my excitement and happiness. He's finally talking to me! After how many months of radio silence, finally I get to hear his voice again. I'm so happy.

There was a long pause. I could only hear him breathe.

"I have news." He said. My heart suddenly stopped. Don't tell me, he found someone else, did he?

"News?" I asked trying not to sound too unhappy about this so called 'news' he wanted to share. Somehow, a phone call and news spelled like trouble for me. I was too scared to even ask what news it was.

I heard someone picked up the phone that was in the dining area.

"Peter!" "Peter!" Both my parents were on the phone now.

"How are you?" Mom asked.

"I'm good, I'm good. I have news" There he goes again with his news. My heart started to sink, trying to brace for the worst.

"News?" This was dad asking now.

"I hope it's okay to have two extra plates for Christmas Eve." two? Mrs. Price too?

My heart was filled with delight and joy when I heard those words. I was giddier now than when I was a little kid going to the Christmas tree on Christmas day to open presents.

I can't wait to talk to him.

"Of course honey, you're always welcome here." "Yes definitely." My mom and dad said respectively with nothing but pure enthusiasm and delight from their voices.

"Thank you, thank you. My mom is dying to meet you guys." Peter spoke, his voice filled with gratitude and excitement.

I can feel it.

"Okay, we'll let you two talk. See you Peter" "Bye." Mom and Dad commented respectively.

"Bye sweetheart." Mom finally hanged up the phone from the dining room.


"Yeah. I figure they know about us?" Peter asked not sounding surprised at all.

"Yeah. How'd you know?" There it is. His "yeah", oh how I missed him saying that to me. The happiness, the joy, the same old feelings drawing back to where things began – to where it all first started. Like memories stored in a jar that's just been opened.

"I can tell just by how your parents treat me. It's like I'm a son to them now." I nodded, as if he can see me.

I chuckled. "Yeah."

"So, I guess I'll see you in a few hours?" He asks. I can definitely hear him smile through the phone.

"Yeah, see you."


"Yeah?" I asked one more time, as if I'm never seeing him again.

He chuckles through the phone. "Yeah." His voice, so groggy, it's like he just woke up.

His "yeah", my "yeah", working in harmonies in my head, synchronized by the tone of our voices, timed by the exchanges of our separate "yeahs". Our "yeah".

It has a nice ring to it. At least I know there's one thing we can call our own.

Our "Yeah".

Our Yeah | #WattPride (Completed)Where stories live. Discover now