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I woke up feeling a little bit more serene than I usually am in the morning. Maybe it's because of Peter spooning me or maybe it's his morning wood being gently pressed against my thighs. I couldn't tell which, but I smiled at the thought of both happening at the same time.

This is a first.

I could stay in bed like this all day, him wrapped around me as I stare at the trees outside his bedroom windows; it was bluer out there. Perhaps the bluest as I've ever seen it. I want the world to melt into stone and just stop everything. I want this moment to never end.

I closed my eyes as I held his arm that's gently placed on my chest and just stayed there, unmoving. Trying to absorb his warmth.

This must be what love feels like.

The warm and fuzzy feeling in my stomach agrees with me.

I hear Peter inhaling heavily, he must be awake. I turn myself to face him, but his eyes were still closed. There's something about waking up and seeing the love of your life just lying there on the bed, beside you, sleeping. So defenseless, so vulnerable, so inevitably yours. All of it. Yours.

Mine. I thought. All mine.

Another first.

He tightened his hold on me and pulled me closer to him. I've never slept with another person before. But I'd want this to happen again. This is so much better than sleeping alone, definitely.

I see him smile.

"G'morning" he spoke with his groggy, deep, morning voice. I forgot how much of a turn on it was for me every time he speaks in that voice.

I let out a light chuckle as he slowly opened his eyes. "Morning sleepy head" I said in almost a whisper. Who cares about morning breath anyway?

"Did I oversleep?" He asks, rubbing his eyes.

I looked down to his chest, his nicely chiseled hairless chest. How can it be that hairless and smooth? I couldn't wrap my head around it.

"No. I don't mind sleeping in as well." I gave him a shy look, as if I'm asking permission to do so.

"Yeah? That was the best sleep I've had ever since I can remember" He couldn't believe it. Neither did I. It was in fact the best sleep I've ever had as well. I wish it were like this every morning.

"So... Are we-" I wanted to ask if we can sleep in but he didn't let me finish.

"We can. But mom's probably made breakfast already, so." His smile was gentler now, not forced either. He was suggesting breakfast, while I'm suggesting sleeping in. I guess he wins this round. I can't refuse Mrs. Price's cooking, now can I?

He sneaks in a quick peck on my lips before he jumps out of bed, nothing but boxers on. I was stupefied, he caught me off guard, now I lay on his bed, double thinking if I should follow him with only boxers covering some of my skin or wear more clothing to seem more 'presentable' to say the least.

"Come on" He stood by the opened door, the smell of bacon, eggs and pancakes immediately greeted me. He held out his hand, inviting me to join him.

"Let me put some clothes on first" I said as I started to get out of bed, but he walked towards me and pulled my hand towards the door.

"You don't need to. Let's go"


"It's fine." He kept reassuring me, but I felt uncomfortable. I just met Mrs. Price last night, now I'm meeting her again with only boxers to my name.

When we were eating, she didn't seem to mind at all. She asked if we had a good sleep, we replied with a very enthusiastic "yes", and spent the rest of the day at Peter's house.

Later that afternoon, Peter asked me to come with him out back, said he wanted to show me something. After walking for a few yards, we come across this clearing of the trees. I stopped on my tracks and gaped at what I saw in front of me. "Wait, is this?"


"Are we?"

"Uh huh"

"Are you serious?" I slapped his arm with the back of my hand in shock.

He chuckles. "Yes!" He spoke with much excitement in his voice. Too evident, I should say. He held out is hand for me to hold, his touch gently reassured me that everything will be alright.

I couldn't look at him in the eyes as he slowly pulled me towards his surprise, but at least I knew, even for just a moment, I felt that everything will be alright.

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