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"Alex, who's this?" Peter asks as he puts an arm around me and looks at Cassidy.

"Oh, that's Cassidy. Cass for short." I spoke.

"Well it's nice to meet you Cassidy Cass for short." Peter said making me and Cassidy giggle. "I'm Alex's uh" then he suddenly looks over to me for an answer.

"Uh, boyfriend. Yeah, he's my uh, yeah, boyfriend." I blurted out. I panicked. I didn't knew we were doing labels now.

"Boyfriend huh? Prove it." She said as if she was testing my relationship with Peter. I took that as a challenge.

"Why would we-" Peter started but I just went in and kissed him on the lips. Tonight is the night that I can go crazy and not hold anything back, and I am going to do just that.

A few seconds later, Peter started getting in on it as well. I don't know why I felt like I need to prove to her my relationship, but I did.

One kiss later, she was star struck.

"Well I'll be damned. So it was true." She spoke with crossed arms, like she's been defeated. Did she really think that she can hit on me?

"I'm sorry, what's true?" I was so confused.

"See those girls over there?" She pointed to the group of three girls that were looking intently at us three then just awkwardly waves at us. "They made a bet with me that if I can prove that you weren't gay, they'd all treat me to dinner for three nights, but if they win I'd have to buy them drinks. Which reminds me." She then orders drinks for them and turns back to me and Peter.

"So, are you two love birds staying here? Or you're just on vacation?"

"Vacation" We both answered.

"Okay. So it was nice meeting you two, see you... whenever, I guess" She chuckled as she took her drinks with her to their table.

"Is that pinacolada?" He asked, quite randomly, as if nothing just happened. Oh I love him so much.

I handed him my drink and finished it in one go.

"Can we get something else?" He added.

"I'll stick to mine, thank you, you order yours." I chuckled, making him chuckle as well.

"Okay" We stayed at the bar for a long time, chatted a little bit, and maybe got a tiny bit drunk. Well, I got a tiny bit drunk, but Peter? Oh he's a whole different story.

He may have had one too many drinks, or six. I don't know, I didn't count. What can I say? We had fun.

But he's not too drunk though; he can still walk, talk, run and sing. He's been doing a lot of singing lately. It's also getting late, so I thought that we should start walking before he orders more drinks to make himself pass out here on the beach or embarrass himself with his singing.

I couldn't have that.

Don't get me wrong, he's a good singer. It's just that, he doesn't sing as good while he's drunk. In fact, I've never seen him drunk before until now, so I really don't know what to expect, but my goal was clear. I need to get him back home before something else happens.

We started walking back to the main road from the beach. He was a little wobbly walking on sand, it was quite hilarious watching him struggle to compose himself. I wasn't supporting him or anything either, I just let him do his own walking.

"What so funny?" He said with a little chuckle.

"Nothing. You're cuter when you're drunk." I commented as I kept my eyes on where we're going.

"No. You're cuter when I'm drunk." Then he giggles. Oh man, I love drunk Peter right now.

I stayed silent, waiting for him to speak out in his drunk state of mind. Who knows what wonders I might hear from him.

"How tall is this hill? My legs are tired." He said after five minutes of climbing back to our house. Just a few more meters to go.

I never replied.

"It's so dark." He said.

"Yeah, it is."

"Are we there yet?"

"Almost Peter, almost."

All I could hear are our footsteps, steadily grazing the paved unlit streets. I think that if we walked a little longer, we may have reached Italy.

"You're cute." He said smiling wildly as we approached our house.

I chuckled.

"Is this your house?" Okay, it's getting worse. I need to get him to bed.

"You look like my boyfriend." He said as I grabbed his hand to pull him inside, shut the door behind us and immediately went to the bedroom. I've been thinking about it ever since we started our journey back here, maybe I should test drunk Peter. See what he knows.

"Which one?" I asked, as we enter the bedroom.

"I only have one smarty pantssssss" He started giggling again. Okay, that's enough.

"Sleep" I gently pushed him to bed.

"Am I getting laid?" He sat on the bed and wiggled his eyebrows as he looked at me.

"You're not sober, sleep." I rolled my eyes at him.

"Fine. But no funny business, I have a boyfriend." I chuckled some more as he started undressing from the bed, and almost instantaneously snored as he lay down.

Note to self: Don't get Peter too drunk.

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