Starting Our Day

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I got up early today, I thought of trying to do something special for Peter, since he's still passed out on the bed from last night's fun time.

Renez helped me get the things that I needed for breakfast of course. He got me eggs, bacon, pancake batter, sausages, bananas and strawberries because why not.

I did all the cooking because I can and I'm glad that I didn't burn the place down. I brought some orange juice with me and took everything upstairs.

I went in and Peter was still sound asleep. So I placed the tray of food on the side table and opened the curtain that was preventing the sun to shine inside our bedroom and from seeing the pretty view of the bluest ocean that I've ever seen.

It's enticingly calming to watch the waves crash down on the rock formations on the left, but sadly one does not see the beach from here.

I suddenly heard groaning from Peter, who was stretching on the bed when I took a peek.

"G'morning sleepy head." I said smiling as I sat next to him.

He let out an audible sigh. "Speaking of my head, it kinda hurts." He replied in the most deep monotonic voice I've ever heard from him.

"What's this?" He pointed to the breakfast after looking around with his eyes squinted the whole time. It's absolutely adorable.

"Breakfast" I smiled and grabbed the tray.

"Oh Alex, you shouldn't have." He said as he tried to sit up from the bed. I placed the standing tray in front of him and watched him look at everything. "Surely you won't make me eat all of this by myself, would you?"

"Nope." I smiled, making him chuckle. He reaches for my shoulder and pulls me towards him for a kiss. I can still taste the drink he had last night.

"Thank you." He said as he smiled and pulled away.

"It was my pleasure. Now, let's eat?" I sat in front of him while he has his back against the wall and just ate. He kept asking me what happened last night and how he got home, got undressed and everything. I joked something random like, he ran back home through the streets naked because he believed that he was a mermaid and mermaids don't wear clothes or something random.

But I'll never tell him the truth.

We've talked a lot of things to do today like stroll around the streets, visit the town, look at the view from the top of the mountain and have a swim at the beach. And who knows, maybe by night time we'd make smores.

We started our day by going to the top of the mountain. We both figured why not do it from top to bottom? So we did.

The hike was surprisingly energizing, especially with gushing winds replenishing every bit of energy you use as you go to the top. It only took us a little over an hour to get there and may I tell you, the view from there was literally and figuratively breathtaking. The tiredness that you'll feel when you get there is very much compensated with the view that you'll be able to see.

The beach, the ocean, the town, the place we slept, we can see everything from up here. It's almost as if I wanted to fly there, everyday and just not care about the world. No responsibilities, just me and Peter and the food we'll eat, now that's the life I wouldn't mind having.

We stayed there for a couple of minutes, and went back down to the houses and walked through the streets. There were people selling all kinds of things like clothes, painting, fish, pastries and so much more. It's just like a small town up on a hill, overlooking a beautiful body of water on the horizon. It just can't get better than that.

By the time we finished going around, we came to a common agreement to eat at the town and do some sightseeing while we're at it. The town is where the people here do their day to day businesses and it's where all the tourist spots are.

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