Home Part 2

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We arrived back home in no time, Peter greeted everyone and everyone was delighted to see Peter again. I left him in the living room while I put the book he gave me on my bed, which is also the bed that Peter had slept on once, a few weeks ago. I can still smell a hint of him on the sheets up to this day.

When I got back downstairs, I saw Peter and mom talking and laughing about something out the front yard. Peter saw me first, he gave me a smile, and then my mom saw Peter looking at me making her turn her head towards me as well, then she just smiled.

That's when I saw what she was holding on her hand – a photo album.

That can't be good.

I paced faster towards them just to see what page she was at. I was dying to know what she was showing to Peter.

"What's that?" I asked them.

"Baby pictures" She exclaimed. My eyes widen with terror.

"Okay. That's enough" I was laughing in shame as I took the photo album away. Baby pictures aren't something you just show to anyone.

"But you look so adorable in your baby pictures" Mom whined, but I'm not falling for it.

"Yeah Alex, you looked cute as a baby" Peter added chuckling. My heart instantly flew to the moon, even though it's broad daylight. He called me cute, even if it was my past self, it's still me. He called me cute and that made my day. But I still kept walking to the living room to put the photo album back.

I saw Rebecca walking out holding a big covered tray. That must be the chicken pot pie, thank you Rebecca for saving the day! Finally mom and Peter will have their minds preoccupied for a moment with Rebecca's cooking, so I can be spared with the humiliation that my baby pictures had brought upon me.

I went to the front yard immediately, where everyone was already seated, eyeing the chicken pot pie.

"Thank you Rebecca" Mom spoke as Rebecca put down the tray on the table.

"You're welcome. Enjoy" She replied, then went back inside the house, most likely to the kitchen.

We indulged Rebecca's cooking and afterwards, there were tons of time left to burn so I took Peter into my room. I've never actually showed him the trinkets lying around the room, the stacks of books in one of the cabinets and my work area where I play around with tunes, melodies and notes for my guitar.

When I mentioned the guitar to him, he instinctively looked around searching for something in the room.

"You looking for something?" I asked, even though I have a clear idea on what it could be.

"Your guitar, I want to hear you play" He says, I got nervous. No one ever asked me to play something for them before, not even my parents. It's been always something that I liked doing from time to time but only when I feel like it.

But now, maybe I'll try that. For him.

I told him to wait for me in my bedroom. I then made my way to the living room and grabbed my guitar behind dad's reading desk where I previously placed it then hurried back to Peter upstairs.

I was really hesitant at first, but I eventually let my fingers do the talking. Strumming every note in my head, like an ongoing orchestra playing in front of me, and I channelled it into my hands and into my fingers, as lively as I can make it.

As I pull every string, I can feel myself floating away. I don't know if he can tell, but I'm sending him secret messages in every note. Every string I pull, all of it, it's for him. A little gift I engineered just for him. I can tell he likes it by the way he sways to the rhythm of the song I'm playing, his eyes closed, body moving on point and synchronized with every beat that I make. Plus his smile.

His smile says it all, a happy, contented, relaxed and a rather dashing smile. A smile that will be forever in my head.

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