The First "Yeah"

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"Yeah." I replayed the word in my head a million times more than I should. It's the first time I heard him say that word.

"Yeah", the boldness, the sweetness, the kindness of it all. It sends shivers in my spine, no one, other than my family, has heard me play a mess out of the guitar. This was a first. He was the first. To get a compliment out of it as well is more than a bonus for me – or rather an honor.

It may have started right there and then, something, unbeknownst to him, and still oblivious of me to even notice. A mere feeling, still alien in my system, trying to figure out what it all meant, like trying to ride a taxi in the middle of the ocean. Totally impossible, but yet somehow, imaginable.

I've shown him, unintentionally, something I've kept hidden from the outside world and now someone from the outside world has undoubtedly witnessed a sad young man, play his guitar in all seriousness and a little bit melancholic in a way – skipping the niceties of course. We've already met yesterday, what's the point for it anyway.

"Yeah." I repeat the word one more time in my head, just to make it last longer than I'd hope for. I like the sound of it, the way he says it, it's like assuring me that I have good taste in music, or I did something right with the guitar. I like that feeling. The feeling of doing something right validates my being that what I'm doing or what I did actually meant something to someone, even if that someone is a total stranger to me.

I'll never forget what he did for me.

I'm not such a morning person, but perhaps this morning is an exception. Who ever knew mornings can be great too? Certainly not me.

All that's left now is for it to rain so that Peter would stay here longer than he originally intended, or I wanted.

Did I want to keep him here longer? Strangely yes.

Why? I can't exactly say.

Maybe that's crossing the line already. I couldn't possibly keep him from his family. I should ask him for that swim later.

As we eat Rebecca's usual morning fare, we had a chance to talk more about our families, comparing even, at least on Peter's perspective of a family I mean. There's been talk about having a family dinner, but I think that'll come later on.

Like neighbors having a barbeque at the backyard. That type of stuff.

"Why don't you give Peter a proper tour of the house?" My dad asks after he finished his morning coffee, even though Peter was just sitting a few feet across the table, he definitely heard dad's weird attempt for Peter and I to "hang out". Thanks dad, but I think I can do it on my own.

I turned to Peter smiling, him already knowing what I'll ask, but I still asked him anyway just to get rid of the awkward tension building up fast in the dining table. Even though asking the question itself in its entirety is already strange enough.

"Would you like a tour of the house Peter?" I gave my dad an 'are you serious?' look as I emphasized Peter's name.

Making the subject of the topic chuckle from the exchanged banter my dad and I just made.

"Yeah! I'd love to get a tour of the house" He says, making me look his way. I didn't think he'd actually agree to my dad's demands, but there's no turning back now. There are too many witnesses.

I guess I'll have an extra reason for talking and being with him longer than expected.

After breakfast, we started the house tour that my dad insisted on me doing.

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