Profiling Him

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He was older than me. I'm 17 now, but we're only a year apart. Yet he didn't looked that old to me, instead he looked younger than what I look right now. I don't know why I'm profiling him right now but it's too late to stop midway.

He's going to a pretty nifty college soon, while I'll be a senior this coming school year. Prom comes to mind whenever I hear senior, but I can't even fathom the thought of asking someone to go with me. It's not my style.

He's funny, smart and good with people. I can tell. My parents like him already when I introduced Peter to them, well at least that's some form of fulfillment right?

When your parents approve of your friend. It's weird that my friends have to impress my parents, I don't get it. But yet here we are, doing the exact same thing to him as I did to all of my other friends up in the states.

He already told me he liked to read but what he didn't told me was that he can also swim and that he competes in them sometimes. I never read him as someone who swims a lot, but ever since he told us that random fact, I kept picturing him how he would look like in trunks. I bet he'd look nice in them.

I haven't a clue as to why I did what I did.

I may have to ask him sometime later to swim at the river. I think he'd like that.

We always eat dinner early but came in Peter asking why do we eat early? I honestly forgot the answer and just went along with it. I've been doing it for so long that it became a normal thing. Peter didn't get his answer.

It was getting dark when we finished dinner and the 'getting to know Peter' part, we sat at the couch afterwards.

A few minutes into staring outside the window he asks me if he could leave.

"Knowing my parents, they won't let you go out by yourself at night. But let's see." We sat at the couch looking at the view outside the window, we can see mom's garden from here.

The seat shifts as the weight from Peter's body was released from the couch, I saw him walking to the dining area so I followed suit. Peter stopped at the entrance as I continued walking inside to mom who's wiping the dishes clean and Rebecca washing our plates from dinner earlier.

"Mom, Peter's gonna go home now" She looked at me then glanced at Peter who's looking very apologetic for some weird reason.

Did he not want to leave?

She wiped her hands on a dry cloth and walked over to Peter.

"Peter, Eric would love to drive you home but he's having a little stomach ache upstairs and doesn't want to be disturbed." What? Dad's sick?

"What? What happened to dad?" Mom looked at me and smiled.

"Oh it's nothing, don't worry about it." She replied sitting down on a stool. "So Peter, why don't you just stay over for the night?"

"Oh no, it's fine I can manage on my own."

"But it's dark out Peter, it's not safe."

"I-I'll come with him." I tried butting in the conversation.

"No Alex. You are not going outside at night." She spat, almost shouting even. She doesn't really like it when I go out at night, says I might get into trouble or worse.

"Same for you Peter. Why don't I just call your parents and tell them you'll be staying over, yeah?" There she goes with that 'I insist' eyes of hers.

Peter looking embarrassed, gave my mom his home phone number.

"Thank you Peter. I won't know what I'd do if something happened to you out there knowing I could've done something to prevent it from happening." She smiled as she held onto the paper that Peter gave containing their home telephone, then proceeded to walk towards the telephone in the room.

"Oh, you can stay in Alex's room Peter. He has a lot of space in his bedroom" My eyes widen. My bedroom?

What about the guest bedroom?

"Okay. Thanks." Peter said to my mom, then turns to me.

"So uh. Your room?" Suddenly I felt so anxious. Peter is going to see my bedroom, no one ever has seen my bedroom except for the members of this household and when she cleans but that's it and now I'm just letting someone new in my life inside my bedroom.

This is a weird day.

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