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I woke up to Peter staring at me, smirking. I inhaled deeply as I always do when I wake up and inevitably stared back at him. It was at this point that I knew. That this was one of the moments that I'll miss the most when summer ends. Waking up in the morning beside the one you love the most. It both ached and warmed my heart at the same time but for different reasons.

It ached because I counted the days we had left before they disappear. Poof. Like flower petals being carried by the wind unknowingly, and you can't do anything about it but watch. Watch it all happen. I hated this feeling, the feeling of being powerless over time, but then again no other person has power over time. Oh how I wish I could make everything stop at my will.

I smiled and pulled our bodies even closer than before, burying my face on his chest as I inhale his scent – Peter's scent, the scent on his shirt. The ever so subtle hint of forest always lingers somewhere on his body, the rest were a mix of sweat, detergent, the sweet baked pastries in his house and a touch of rain from yesterday. It's almost crazy to think that I like his scent and I won't blame anyone who'll think as such. Even I think it's a little baffling that I like it.

But it's the truth.

He chuckles. "Good morning to you too." Oh, that morning voice of his. I can never get enough of those. I then felt his lips on my head, giving me a kiss as he tightened his hug on me. I love it, I love him, so much.

"Can we stay in bed a little longer?" I said through his shirt, I bet it sounded muffled but I'm too tired to care.

"Sure. I am a little tired as well." He said. Guess he heard me perfectly.

I exhaled a little too audibly on his chest as he tightened his hold on me. I love this. I wish this would never end. Waking up beside him will always be the best way I'll ever wake up in my life, nothing can beat that.

I can hear birds chirping outside my window, his steady breaths consuming my ears and the slight clinging noise of cooking utensils downstairs is breaking its way through my door.

Though, the silence in my room didn't help with the horrible thoughts I'm having about the end of our days, the end of happiness, the end of summer.

It's crippling in my brain, I feel like I might not make it though a day without him. Maybe it was my fault for being too attached to him.

"You're thinking about it too aren't you?" He surprised me. Was he thinking about it too then? Or did he hear my thoughts? I wasn't speaking my mind out am I?

"Yeah. I can't stop thinking about it." I confessed as I tightened the hug even more for a moment. I was trying to find solace in his arms, maybe I could get a hold of my composure and shake the whole thought away.

But I can't.

It's too strong.

I guess I'll have to live with it for the next couple of days.

"I know." He whispered and gave me a kiss on my head. He comforted me by rubbing my back with his hands. It helped, even just a little bit.

I tried to make sense as to how we got here, but at the same time I don't want to go over that journey all over again. I think I'd rather focus on the now.


The now sounds good.

Then my head just had an idea.

"Want to go for a trip?" I asked out of the blue.

"Where?" He asked as I look up at him to meet his warm gaze.

"I know a place." I made him smile.

There's this place where my parents and I went to last year, where there's a beautiful view of the sea. We stayed up on the mountainside literally beside the beach, it was almost like Santorini, but it's not. I figured a couple of days away from our homes would be a nice change, even for just a moment.

Until, the time comes.

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