Returning Favors

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I held onto my seat a little dazed as he kept pedaling towards home. I remember the day when we had our first kiss, when he hugged me as I pedaled my way to that sacred place. I thought for a moment, whether I should do it or not, but my brain wouldn't let me think clearly so I did it, instinctively, he places a hand over mine – probably to keep me from falling.

"You're really warm." He commented. I didn't bother to reply.

Heaven - is what I would describe this feeling. It's as if I'm returning the favor from the first time that he did it to me.

I can hear the wind going through my ears, the clanging of the items in the pouch of his bike, my bike jumping around because there's no one riding it, and the trees dancing away cooing me to sleep.

I hugged him even tighter and closed my eyes.

When I opened them next, I can see the all too familiar ceiling that is my bedroom. My mind is still tired, that it didn't register the logic of how I got from the coffee shop to here. Then I remembered Peter. It all came back, I look to my left where my study was. It was dark out, but more importantly, Peter was there, sleeping on my desk.

Why didn't he take the other bed?

Why is he still here?

Did he carry me to my bed?

I feel pretty embarrassed now.

I tried sitting on my bed, but I felt a sharp pain on my head and dizziness came with it so I instantly fell back into my bed. Oh great. Must be the flu.

"Ow" I reacted to the pain as I slam my head onto my pillow. That wasn't a bright idea at all.

I then heard a heavy inhale, coming from Peter. I may have woken him up. I tried closing my eyes. Pretended to be asleep. I heard shuffling, then chair moving and footsteps. Louder and louder. Then thud. Was my chair moved?

I hear drippings. What's he doing?

I then felt a somehow wet towel over my head. My heart was pounding, is he taking care of me? Why? I then heard him sigh.

"It's my fault" His fault? What is?

"It's my fault that you're sick now" What's he talking about?

"I knew swimming last night was a bad idea" Huh? I've done that a lot of times and I never gotten sick. I almost smile, but held it back. How adorable is that? He thinks it was his fault that I got sick?

"I'm sorry" No, don't be. Nobody could've known.

"Don't be" I opened my eyes and looked at him.

"Alex." He smiles. "Feeling better now?"

I ignored his question."I swim at night a lot and I never get sick. Only now." I told him. Yet he bows his head, he doesn't have to feel responsible for this.

"And on the night I asked you to swim with me" He added.

"It's fine Peter, really. Nobody could've known"

"But if I didn't asked you to-"

"Stop it" I chuckled. "Don't blame yourself. It's not like I'm going to die or anything"

He looks at me blatantly, a plain expression screamed at his face. Did he not get the joke? Or did he not like the joke?

"I just don't want you to get hurt" He takes my left hand and squeezes it tight.

"I'm not hurt, I'm sick you dum dum." I put on a smirk and poked at his forehead lightly with my free hand.

"Yeah" He finally chuckles.


"You're too kind" He says, smiling at me. His eyes glimmering from the lamp. He then places a hand on my head and gently caresses my hair. I love this feeling.

A few moments of silence came our way, until I asked him for some water. There was already water waiting at the lamp table luckily, so he didn't had to leave me alone. I didn't want to be alone for the night.

"Did you eat dinner yet?" I asked. He swayed his head as an answer. "Go eat dinner"

"What about you?"

"Just tell Rebecca after you're done." I said. He looked at me, his eyes full of concern. "I'll be fine."

He was hesitant to leave me alone, but he nevertheless did as I asked.

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