The Guitar

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We spent the rest of the night in my room until we fell asleep talking about things we like to do on summer vacation.

Peter slept on the spare bed which was the one I usually sleep on because the main bed was too big for my liking of which I had to sleep on for that night and for the record, it wasn't comfy and it was still too big.

Mom said they can't get rid of it, says it's been in the family for generations so after she told me that bit I stopped complaining and slept on the spare bed, which was, in my opinion, a good trade.

At least one of us had a peaceful slumber.

I woke up before Peter then I gazed on his sleeping state. Non-moving, steady, a little bit messy but quite collected. I stared at the ceiling for a moment thinking of whether I should wake him up or just wait until breakfast before waking him up or he wakes up before breakfast. Whichever comes first I suppose.

I stretched my limbs and did my morning yawn ritual before I got out of bed. I tiptoed my way out of my room because I didn't want to take Peter up just yet, but having a wooden floor isn't much help. He looks so peaceful now that I've gotten a closer look at him. I've never had a friend sleep over before. I never knew how it felt, how good it feels right now.

I'm glad to have helped indirectly with the bed and all.

I went downstairs to the living room, grabbed my guitar, then I went straight to the front yard where we usually eat breakfast. I saw dad already seated at his usual seat reading his morning paper while mom was attending to her garden – a morning ritual for her.

"Morning!" I greeted both of them as I stepped outside the door and into the open sunshine that is our front yard. Mom glanced at me, started walking and returned the greeting with a kiss on my cheek, then went back to her garden.

"G'morning to you too" Dad said without looking away from the sports section.

"How's the stomach dad?" I asked as I walked up to the right side of the front porch to where my guitar sits and took it with me to the dining table.

"Better now, thanks for asking. Uh, where's Peter?" He finally removed his eyes away from the news paper and addressed the missing person at hand.

"Still asleep" I said as I sat down my seat and started strumming random chords. Guitar is the only instrument I know how to play, I usually play this when I'm bored with reading and just jam out to some songs in my mind or sometimes, I strum some random melodies that harmonize perfectly well together when I don't want to think too much and just have fun with it.

Yes, I'm in that kind of mood today.

A few moments later Rebecca came out with our breakfast together with Peter holding a plate of waffles. I was surprised because I thought he was still sleeping by this time.

"Oh Peter you don't have to do that" Dad spoke right after he saw what Peter was doing. After I realized that Peter had already came out I put the guitar down in hopes that he didn't hear me playing with it.

"No I was just by the door and I saw Rebecca going out and thought I should help" He was by the door? This whole time?

"How nice of you Peter. Please, sit." Mom joined in on the table.

"Thank you" He replied. He took the seat to my left, my dad was on my right and mom was on his right.

"So, you were by the door?" I asked, eyebrows crossed. I needed to know when he was there. Did he hear me playing the guitar?

"Actually I heard someone playing the guitar so I went to the balcony. But when I saw it was you I had to go down and get a closer look. You were good" Oh no. Here we go. I suddenly shrunk into my world of insecurities.

Wait, I was good?

I was good. I thought to myself.

"Yeah?" I smiled wildly.

He chuckles. "Yeah." he replied smiling incandescently.

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