My Little World

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I've never felt this happy before. I feel like a bird floating through the clouds as I let him guide the path to neverland, to our... safe place.

I thought these kinds of things only happen on books or in TV, I never thought I'd actually get to experience this first hand. The feelings that I have are almost as if too much to comprehend and to control that I just want to let it all loose.

Let everything and nothing go out at once, let my barriers shatter, my walls break, my heart flutter, my knees ache and my mind... Oh, what things I can imagine doing to Peter.

But alas, I'm only left to imagine. I have but now to enjoy the company we have left for today, but I'd love it if he stayed over for the night, just to extend the little time we have left, just so I can spend more time with him tomorrow.

Maybe I should ask him. Wait.

Should I? Or shouldn't I?

"I like this place Alex" I can't believe he complemented something that I have, that I found, that I own.

He likes it!

I smiled uncontrollably as we lay down on the cool grass staring at the sky, eye closed, still breathing heavily, at least I was. Him? He was fine, more than fine.

I couldn't compel myself to bring myself to kiss him again, I don't want to drive him away and start running for the hills, I don't want to lose him, just as I think that he's mine, or that I have him as my own. The thought delights me to the core. "Having him", so as to not be misconstrued to as a pet, is truly quite a powerful thing to hold on to.

That I didn't know, until now.

"Me too Peter" I replied, both my hands resting on the back of my head, just trying to breathe in the sweet smell of the northern breeze coming from the mountains. This seems like a good place to build a home; it's calm, peaceful, quiet and far from disturbances.

Or maybe perhaps I just wanted to stay here forever with Peter, relive this moment over and over again, a never ending loop of happiness.

Wouldn't that be nice?

I sound so selfish, but I don't care. I want him.

His warmth reverberates from his body even though we are inches apart, plus the cool breeze helps me with my sweat problems that may arise in situations like this.

I opened my eyes, uncontained by my excitement, I examined him once more, his muscles looks so flawless, so perfectly toned, so graciously curved the way he flexes them or at least doesn't try to with his hands also underneath his head.

His face ever so sweet, I love how calm he looks right now. I just wish I can take his portrait, that way I can look back at this moment for years to come, but I guess I'll just have to settle for a mental picture instead.

Looks like I know now what I want for Christmas, but let's not get ahead of ourselves just yet.

"I can almost imagine you being lost from the world for hours in this place" He's not wrong. I've read countless of books here, counted how many butterflies came fluttering their way here in a day, the places I've been through in those countless of books and all the times that I wanted to escape the outside world and just cocoon myself in this little world that I made.

I had not realized it until now, but I was inviting him to my little world. A world so foreign to other people that I dare not speak about it to anyone. But I did, for Peter...

I didn't know why I took him here. Perhaps to remember what we did when the time comes. When the time comes to...

I don't even have the courage to think about that.

At least, not right now.

Just as when I have him all to myself.

Not right now.

I want this moment to last.

As long as I can.

I couldn't figure out why but as the moments pass by within gaps of infinite seconds between seconds I miserably try to stare at him even more.

But there's this barrier that's been uphold, shielding him from my gaze, though he may be directly in hindsight's vision for me, I couldn't bare to look at him directly.

He looked like one of those cool kids at school that you can't stare at or else you'll get beat up or something. I was terrified for my life.

What if he noticed me staring at him? What would he do?

I just got his good side back after that pond incident, would I want to push my luck again?

I couldn't afford to lose him. I like him too much. "Too much" I echo it in my head. Was it really too much? Perhaps. It was too much, I convinced myself.

I tried getting closer to him. He wore this cologne that reverberates all around in a three meter radius quite enchantingly, every sniff entices me to bury my face onto his chest and never leave that place ever again, or at least until the smell runs out.

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