Mr. Price

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"We're here." He stopped walking. I looked around the nearby tombstones until I saw the name Daniel.

"Is this..." I pointed to the neat looking tombstone with the name Daniel on it.

"Yeah" He answered almost immediately.

I nodded in response as I looked at the engravings. 'Loving father, loving husband, loved by many and cherished by his family. His memory will forever be alive.' What a sweet thought. Then I read the date of his death.

"Wait so..."

"Yes." He smiled weakly.

I see now. They come here every summer because of his dad. How sad it must be the first time they had to do this, but, why was he buried here?

I looked at Peter who was already setting up the blanket for us to sit on. I immediately went over to help him set up our area. We have a cloth, a picnic basket and our backpacks. I asked if it was okay to have a picnic at his dad's grave. He was actually surprised that I wanted to stick around his dad's grave rather than go somewhere else after looking at it.

I actually like the graveyard in broad daylight, where I can see everything around me and it's almost always quiet here. Plus, my grandparents' grave are here as well which I visit sometimes, just to get away from everything, or if I want a change of scenery that's also peaceful and quiet.

The smell of the grass resonates throughout the breeze, enveloping us with its raw freshness and it smells quite lovely. It's partly cloudy today, which is perfect for a picnic like this, perfect for setting the right mood for this occasion.

After setting up everything that we needed, we both quickly sat down to rest. He was looking at me still, with a slight smile on his face. I feel so shy now to even look at him, so I just lay on my back with my hands on the back of my head. I watched the sky instead, but from the corner of my eye I can still see him staring at me.

"Stop staring at me" I chuckled as I covered my face with my hands.

I hear him chuckle, and then proceeded to remove my hands over my face with his hands. His mere touch sends shivers down my spine in a good way. I'm trapped.

"I can't help it. I love looking at you." He moved closer to me and his face closer towards my face, then gently kisses my lips.

My heart screams.

What seemed to be light pecks on each other's lips, immediately turned into a battlefield on who wants to dominate who. He always wins at the end, but I never let him have it without giving in a fight.

He never did tell me what happened to his dad that night when we had a sleep over at his house a few days ago.

The kissing stops, my heart also stopped for a split second. I was lying down while he was on top of me, just smiling – a bittersweet smile if I've ever seen one.

I gave him a weak smile and kissed his lips one last time before he sat down properly. I did as well.

"You never did tell me about your dad that night" I spoke as I looked at Peter's dad's gravestone.

"I didn't, did I?" He replied. Now I looked at him and searched his eyes for answers. He just looked at the pond a few feet from here. "It was a car crash"

I sat up straight now and tried to process what he said to me.

"Car crash?" I replayed his words.

"Yeah. He was supposed to meet up with mom near where she worked to get some take outs. But, he never came." He turned his gaze to me, gave me a slight smile. He didn't have to if he doesn't want to. "I didn't tell you that night because I didn't want to be sad that day. I've never seen my mom that happy in a long time, because she thinks that it's her fault"

"I don't blame her, I'd think that it was my fault too" I replied.

"But she doesn't have to. They always get take outs every Wednesday. Every... Wednesday." He bowed his head, I saw the blanket getting drops of water.

Rain? Wait, no.

Peter. He then started sobbing lightly.

I moved closer to him and hugged him as tight as I could.

I never asked him anymore about his father than that.

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