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I rode my bike to the book store to find some new books that I can read over the summer. Romance novels are always on my list of genres that I'd like to get but I like to be crazy sometimes and get some fiction books too.

As I scavenged the fiction section a guy walks up to me and proceeds to talk to me as if we're supposed to be friends or something.

"So you like fiction too?" He asks. Sometimes I talk to random people only when I know they're really approachable and kind.

But when it's the other way around I tend to ignore people like him, but I'm feeling a little bit chipper today than the usual. I don't know if it's because of the smell of the unread books or the fact that I'm actually out of the house.

"When it's really good. Otherwise I'm stuck at the romance section." I responded to his question when usually I wouldn't, hopefully he'll leave me alone now. I'm not one to "chat" with strangers too much.

"Oh really? Have you read 'The Gracious Fall' by any chance?" I put back the book that I was holding on the shelf and faced him. He had his hair in one swoop to the back and his eyes looked like ocean blue.

I smiled at him. "Is that the two guys on the beach thing? I liked that one."

"So you like those kinds of romance novels?" He emphasized the word 'those' like it was supposed to mean something.

I frankly don't get it.

"I just like romance novels in general" I turned my back to him and started walking to the romance section.

"Wait" He said. I stopped and turned to look at the person who's holding me back from the romance section of this book store.

"Peter, or Pete if you want" He smiled and extended his right hand for me to shake. He seems friendly enough. Being judgemental to a person you don't know is minus friendship points though.

"Alexander, Alex for short" I shook his hand for the first time. Odd way to meet someone. Usually I get to shake hands with people who I'm introduced to or in other cases people I meet.

"Alex. Nice to meet you" he chuckles as he says my name. Was he amused that I introduced myself? Or was he just happy in general?

"Likewise" I can't tell yet if he's smart, but by the way he looks like right now, he may need a dictionary when he leaves the book store.

Was that too mean? It doesn't matter. He won't know.

"So, you were on your way to the romance section I suppose?" He asks out of the blue.

"Uhh, yeah. You?" I crossed my eyebrows. Why would he ask that? Unless.

"I can tag along, if you want" There it is. I knew he was going to say that, he does look like the type of guy to 'tag along' with some stranger he just met.

I smiled. "Please" I wanted to sound kind. I am kind, just not to people who I don't trust and right now, I don't know what this guy's deal is but my guard is up - for now.

If anything he's too trusting with the people around him. I almost kinda feel sorry that I don't immediately trust him fully as I imply him to be fully trusting me as a stranger he just met.

I made my way to the romance section without interruption this time as he walked right behind me.

After buying three books for me and two for him we went to a nearby coffee shop and talked some more.

It's weird, because I never get to hang out with people out of the blue like this. Especially with people I just met, it's just strange but it also feels kinda nice.

I invited him over for dinner to which he was really happy to oblige. How I managed to convince him will forever be a mystery to me.

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