Say Something

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"Didn't your mom tell you it's rude to stare at people?" He was amused, smiling even.

I felt my cheeks heat up, did he caught me? His eyes were closed still. So, how? How did he know? That will forever be a mystery to me.

The change in the atmosphere was palpable – in my eyes at least.

He chuckles at my non-responsiveness. "I'm kidding." As he smiles at my direction for a second, then goes back to stare at the sky.

"Ah" I chuckle awkwardly.

Moments of silence passed by again, me staring at the field, him staring at the sky, none of us spoke for a while. We felt like we didn't need to, until he started to break the silence.

"Hey Alex?" He calls as if there were other people around us.

"Hmm?" I turn to him but he was still fixated at that cloud that looks like a marshmallow.

"I like your voice." He likes my voice? "Only hearing you speak a while ago soothed me, relaxed me, I needed that. Thank you." He gives me his most genuine smile that I've seen today. I never thought how much it meant to him to feel relaxed today, what happened?

Do I want to know? Do I need to know?

"Say something" He gives a little laugh again at my non-responsiveness.

"No, yeah. It was my pleasure." My brain couldn't process a proper reply.

Silence again, for a few moments. My thoughts are starting to take over. I need to ask him. I just need to. It was my turn to disrupt the serenity of the surroundings.

"Peter?" My heart pounded faster.

"Yeah?" His eyes were still closed. Am I bothering him?

"Have you ever been in love?" He opens his eyes and looks at me with crossed eyebrows. Most likely thinking why I asked such a question.

"Yeah. Have you?" He sits this time, making me sit as well.

"I am" I look at him in the eyes, but then I turned my attention back at the field, watching the flowers sway to the beat of the breeze, trying my best to avoid his gaze for I may have given him too much of a hint.

"Are you saying what I think you're saying?" I keep forgetting that he's smart. He probably saw that hint from a mile away, how could I be so careless?

I was hesitant to answer, so I nodded in response, I'm afraid of facing him now. I feel so embarrassed and ashamed. I should have never said anything.

I see him lie back down from the corner of my eye, making me put my guard down. What is he feeling right now? I'm more curious than afraid to know what he's thinking.

The dreaded, ear deafening silence has returned once more and it's making me anxious.

I mimic his actions to lie down on the ground as well. Perhaps I'd get an answer, if not now, maybe later.

"Fuck" He gently shouts then proceeds to chuckle as if he heard of something funny. "All this time, I thought you..." He paused then began to sway his head, like he'd dismissed a thought. I looked at him, but he just stared at the sky now. His face was so bland, so emotionless.

"Thought that I... what?" I was more than curious. I waited for what seemed a minute, for his response.

"Nothing" Is what he gave me. It couldn't be nothing, can it? "I'm glad that you told me." He closes his eyes again. "I always thought that we couldn't speak about these kinds of things, but yet here we are."

Wait, so he? Does that mean?

"I am happy that you told me Alex." He says that now, but he doesn't even bother to look at me. My throat feels dry, irritated. I'm craving for water. "What a day." Peter spoke to the air.

"The day hasn't ended yet." I quickly retort.

I made him laugh. "Indeed". I was staring again. This has become a bad habit of mine. "Since when?"

"Since when what?" I was confused, what was he trying to know? Then he looks at me, with a smirk on his face and an eyebrow raised, like I'm supposed to know what he meant. Then it clicked.

"Oh, weeks ago" I said to him, he just nodded in response then went back to sky gazing.

Back to silence again, while I stared at him. It was longer this time – the silence. He had closed his eyes a while ago while I'm left here to ponder on my thoughts. Does this mean that he's not off limits now?

He then suddenly gave a wide smile.

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