Wasted Time

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I'm at the rendezvous point underneath the old tree with pencil shaven leaves, waiting for Peter. It's too dark tonight, not even the moonlight can illuminate the darkness around here. Maybe it'll rain any minute now?

Pretty soon I see him riding, headed towards here. He was right on time. I just sat on the grass, legs crossed as I watched him walk towards me with a big smile on his face. He's always smiling whenever I look at him, it's like a big weight has been lifted off of his shoulders whenever he looks at me. His face lights up, and I can feel it from where I sit. It's nice to know that I have that kind of effect on him.

"I feel like an outlaw, sneaking out at night" I smirk as he sits down in front of me, crossed legs as well. We were face to face now.

"Which makes it more exciting"

I giggle. "Yeah"

I stare at him shyly, making him wonder why I'd been staring at him weirdly. I was just having a thought, that's all it was.

It only dawned on me now that I made myself be aware of our days being numbered. Seeing as summer is almost reaching its final stages, soon we'll be leaving each other and this place that I've come accustomed to, even if we're here just for a short while.

"We wasted so many days" I finally spoke.

"Yeah. But at least when we spend them together, it was a day well spent"

"Yeah. But-"

"But what?" He leans closer and tries to rotate me so I'd have my back against his and made me lean on him. I can smell his lavender scent, feel his chest breathing and I can almost hear his heart beating as well.

"I just wish you would've given me a sign"

"I did. Or at least, I almost did." He wraps his arms around me.

"Really? When?" I look up at him.

"Remember the time when you first took me to your pond? Right before I left, when we were looking at each other face to face, I already knew from then that I wanted to kiss you. But I didn't know how you'd feel about it so I took the easy way out and ran."

"You ran." I echo his words.

And to think I was about to apologize after what had happened then. If only I knew.

"I ran." He repeated, then sighed.


"I'm sorry." He says, after a few moments of serenity.

Silence again. The sound that the crickets make is the only noise that we hear, the shadowy cast of the night had once again embodied the scenery of our choosing, tall plants bowing to the evening breeze blowing its intense ice cold midnight fury around us.

I turned around to face him, my body still on the ground. He's wearing that white shirt that's always unbuttoned at the top again. I hugged him and rested my head at the opening of his shirt at the top then closed my eyes shut, resulting in him hugging me back and I got a giggle out of it as well. I sighed in comfort; I'd never want to leave this place, this is another part of heaven - if it was one.

"You're so warm" He said, as he caressed my back with his magical touch.

I never replied.

"Does this make you happy?" He asks, clearly prying an answer from me.

"Yeah." I murmured under his shirt. He releases me from his shackles and proceeds to touch my chin, telling me, urging me to move upward.

I did so obediently, and we were back right where we started. Face to face.

I inspected his chiselled jaw, then back to his eyes, where I could just get lost in for days and never find a way out, until it was too late or unless I'm hungry enough to break the spell that I'm under.

It was me this time, that initiated the kiss. But something was different, it was full of passion, need and very sensual. It was like I wasn't getting enough of what I needed and now that I can have it I can't stop getting more of it. I wanted more.

I was on top of him as I pinned him to the ground while I was fumbling my hands around his belt, I can tell that he likes it by the way he smiles in between kisses.

We took it slow.

He was right.

Today is a day well spent.

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