Three Magic Words

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We're back to where it all began. Leaves falling from their demise, the erratic heat drenching us with its relentless prowess leaving me defenseless under its unbearable grip, the heart clenching stare that Peter is giving me right now, it all felt so raw, so perfect.

We rode our bikes here at the bookstore but left our bikes there, then started walking aimlessly towards the woods with the sun shining brightly high up in the sky, destination unknown and we don't have a clue why we're doing it. I still couldn't wrap my head on what happened last night apparently.

Moonlight dinner dates could possibly be my most favorite thing to do now with Peter. He and I get along great, yet I still feel nervous when we're together. Like 'I can't talk to him' kind of nervous.

We haven't even said the "L" word to each other yet, but he makes me feel that I don't even need to say that to tell him that I love him to the moon and back.

I guess he feels the same.

He slings an arm around my shoulder as he got closer to me while we walked around unfamiliar trees. I looked at him as he stared at me.

"What're you thinking about?" He asks as I smiled at him then looked at the ground as we walked in unison. Both left then both right at the same time in harmonious rhythm.

I'm thinking of a lot apparently. I guess it'll make me wonder as well, whenever I gaze into his eyes and look at his dashing smile I wonder: "what's he thinking about?"

I don't know why but, whenever I look at him, I want to smile. Whenever I look at him, I want to hug him. Whenever I look at him I feel so lucky to have to call someone my own. Whenever I look at him I feel... love.


Every single cell in my body feels all the love that I have for Peter whenever I look at him. My knees weaken, my breathing hitches, my heart swells, my senses tingle, my stomach does indescribable flips and my brain travels in all kinds of places.

I couldn't help it – myself. And I don't want to. All I want is to feel this way for the rest of my life, no sadness, no anger, no jealousy, no hatred, no fear, no stress, just love.

I wish life were simple like that. What a bittersweet thought it is.

I smiled at him again.

"Just thinking about the first time we met" I randomly pulled a memory of ours and this was the result. He was puzzled, I can tell.

"Why?" He stares off into the distance as he waited for my reply.

"Don't know. Just a random thought I guess."

"Ah. I see" He nods. "Would you have changed anything ever since?" He asks out of nowhere.

I gave him silence.

"God, no. Not a thing." I replied later as I swayed my head while I replayed all the scenarios in my head that I'd most likely change. To change for the betterment of the situation. I admit, that there are things that I'd rather not change, but there are also some things that I'd like to... 'tweak', so to say.

One of which is what happened at the pond. I think I could've handled that situation better than I did, but didn't, that's why I'd like to change it, and a few others.

The wind picked up making the trees dance in perfect destinction, leaves falling like rain on June and rays of the sun peeking its way on every hole it could find as the leaves gave way for the sun to shine. It was calmingly beautiful.

"I would though" He spoke then stopped on his tracks. I was confused. Change what?

"What would you change?" I spoke my mind, as I faced him. His arm on my shoulder started trailing down my back and finally ended beside him.

"What I did when we were at the pond."


"I'd kiss you right then and there, if only I knew". He looked at the ground, clearly avoiding my sights. "If only I knew" He repeated.

But I just smiled. "If only you knew." I echoed his words in a whisper.

I smiled, walked towards him and gave him the hug I was dying to give him ever since we got off of our bikes. I hugged him so tight as if I'm going to lose him tomorrow, which I know isn't true.

We still have a few weeks left like he said last night, but I'd like to not let every moment pass by without telling him or at least, showing him how I feel about him.

I tightened my hug and whispered the three magic words. Finally.

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