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"It feels like I'm sending you to the slaughter house" I joked. It wasn't a very good one, I digress, but it's too late now.

I sat at his bed. He was still being silent, just as the ride from my home to his home a while ago, we could only hear the wind and the sound of our bikes. I feel like my heart would implode any moment now with all the silence he's giving me.

"Well, look who's being silent now" I mused. I realize I was poking the bear with a stick, but I don't know what else to do. Certainly crying is not an option, at least, not when he's still around.

He just continued packing his things, with a tight lip, concealing his thoughts and feelings from me. I don't blame him though. I think that if I just ask, he would probably...

No, he wouldn't. He must go back to study, and I do too, in a few days.

I look out his bedside window, the sky reflecting my thoughts and feelings, it was cloudy, but it wasn't dark. There's still sunlight, but just barely making its way through every hole in every cloud. Just like me, sad but yet still calm and collected. Maybe I'll ask something of him to remember him by. I looked around his room for something, that's when it hit me.

"Peter." I called. He looks up to me, unfazed. "Do you still have that book?"

"What book?" he says with a questioning tone.

"The first book that you bought on the day we met." He looked puzzled, but then looked at the direction of where the book sat.

"There." He points to the improvised bookshelf that is his window, a different window, near his bathroom.

I stood up and walked near the bookshelf. I immediately grabbed the said book as I got close enough. I knew what it looked like. I remember it like it was yesterday.

"The misconceptions of golden emotions" I silently murmured as I inspected the bright red cover of the book.

"It was a good read" Peter suddenly spoke.

"I bet. Can I have it?"

He looked at me, with a plain face for a second, and then he smiled. "Of course."

I smiled back at him and held the book firmly in my hand as I went to the place where I was before – his bed.

I watched him pack his shirts, briefs, pants, socks and my favorite – boxers. He finally places his suitcase down then sat beside me. His head bowed down, our feet shuffling the wooden floors and the clock was still ticking.

I leaned my head on his shoulder one last time, for I know it won't be long before he leaves. I knew it was inevitable, but nevertheless, we made it worthwhile. I just hope he feels the same. Still, there's a tiny space in my heart that says I needed more.

So without hesitation, I grabbed his shirt and pulled him towards me. I kissed him with all my might, he instantaneously responds to my demands and places his hands on my face as I put my hands now onto his head. I urgently let my fingers travel through his hair as he pins me to his bed, then I let my hands journey down to the bottom of his shirt to undress him and we let the moment flow like water as we pleased.

It seemed perfect, but in fact, it was disheartening. Perhaps this is what I'd miss the most, this part right here. Where he pins me to the bed and puts himself in me. Where's the subtlety now? To heck with subtlety. He's going away for God's sakes. I don't even have the slightest care as to what he does to me right this very moment, as long as I get to spend every last second with him.

After everything, we laid on his bed, staring at the ceiling, waiting.

Later we heard a cab pulling up, moments after that Peter's mom enters the room, Peter and I had just gotten dressed. My heart was feeling heavy when I was helping them carry some of their bags to the cab.

Mrs. Price said her goodbyes first.

"I'll see you soon sweetheart. We'll be back before you know it." She hugged me so tight that my lungs almost collapsed. "Thank you for everything" She whispered in my ear.

"I'll let you two say your goodbyes." She then walks away and enters the cab.

Now it was Peter's turn.

I looked up at him, he was always a little taller than me. He gave me a smile, so I replied the same. He then hugged me, tighter than his mom's hug. It was long, but not long enough.

He then kisses me on the lips one last time.

"Farewell." He silently spoke as he walks away to enter the cab.

"Farewell." I whispered as if he was next to me while I watch the cab drive away from the distance. I then stared at their house, more specifically his window, imagining him standing there looking at me as tears started to form in my eyes and make their way down my face. I never thought it'd hurt this much.

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