Read To Me

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The past few minutes of uninterrupted biking was disturbingly agonizing, given the fact my position and his position as I take him to my most secret place in the world.


I've taken him to where I hadn't taken anybody else. But I am glad that I get to share it with him. At least, I won't be too lonely here today.

"We're here" I lightly scratched his head as if I was waking him up from bed, making him groan as he struggled to sit up straight and inspected the view around us, never letting go of his tight hug.

Why is he still hugging me? I thought.

He did eventually. Let go.

We walked uphill. He asked if we're already here. He most likely saw the path, because it doesn't end here. He's right.

I found this place by accident, I told him.

His smile grew wider when we got to the top. A few trees covered the opening to a field of daffodils and sunflowers. A mixture of vibrant yellow scattered all over the field.

"Like sunshine" He commented.

"Like sunshine" I echoed his words.

He quickly ran to a flat area near the middle of the field, where I used to lay down during dusk and watch the sunrise.

He screamed as loud as he could with joy and I can't help but smile at him as I followed his tracks, right to my spot.

He immediately laid on the ground, arms open wide and all smiles. He's enjoying himself. The smell of the flowers, the cool breeze, the heat of the sun, and the serenity of the place working altogether in perfect harmony, entrancing me once more with its wondrous yet natural charms.

Now this, this is perfect.

I sat down, inches from him and started to read the book that I brought with me.

"What's that?" He immediately notices me reading.

"A book" I joked.

"No shit." He chuckled. "What's it about?" I see him smiling on the corner of my eye. I try not to look at him directly, because he was looking at me.

"Romance" He squints at my answer.

"Read to me will you?" I got nervous. But I did his bidding nevertheless. It took a while until I got tired, only then I noticed that Peter was already asleep.

I moved closer to him to inspect his face, his nicely chiselled jaw, his pearly white teeth, his luxurious hair, his body scent, his perky pinkish lips.

I wish he'd kiss me now.

"It's getting hotter" He suddenly spoke, startling me making me drop the book. His eyes were kept shut though, until he peeked with his right eye.

"Oh, I thought you were sleeping" I fumble around for my book.

"Just resting" His chest kept rising and falling.

"We can go to the hill where the trees are. Better view from there" I stood up and reached a hand for him to hold. His eyes opened one by one and I let him make out what was happening first, he soon then reached for my hand and helped him up.

We went back to the bottom of the hill, climbed a little bit and laid there underneath the umbrella of trees protecting us from the scorching midday sun.

"Much better" He says as he closed his eyes. The way he said that was like icing on a cake. Delicious, enticing and captivating.

"Yeah?" I tried to confirm. Savoring the moment, even for a little bit.

"Yeah" He repeats. I smiled this time.

It was quiet, no voice of mine disturbing the silent trance we were both trapped in now. He wanted silence, I wanted to read, but I keep looking at him, staring, slightly smiling and maybe even hoping that he may have the slightest feelings, for...


I didn't notice I was staring at him until he slowly formed a smile on the side of his lips – the side I'm on.

I think he knew.

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