I forgot

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"Hey" was all I could muster up. Coward, I said to myself. Did the planets align? Was he bewitched? I'm confused.

I was practicing in my head on how to say sorry. I'm afraid the nervousness will eat me alive first before I can speak out a piece of my mind.

I'm definitely a coward.

"You're here early" He said as if I weren't supposed to be at the book store this early in the morning, he held his book on his hand as he puts his other on the handle of my bike making me stop on my tracks – a possessive side of him?

Now I'm just throwing random accusations. But it feels just like that, like he doesn't want me to go anywhere. I wouldn't even dare to go, not unless he tells me to.

"I was just out for a ride, figured I'd stop by the book store" Liar! My mind was screaming at itself. The usual fighting amongst my brain cells, sometimes it's helpful but most of the time it's not.

"Oh, it's still closed though." He steals a glance at the store, perhaps reminiscing the moment we met? Or is it just me? It is still closed though. I wish he'd look at me instead.

"Yeah." I agreed in a low voice as he now turns to look at the handle of my bike, I don't know why, but I'm afraid to do eye contact all of a sudden. Like, I've been faced in a family reunion where I don't know every single one, except my aunt Rosie and my cousin Eric. Dad was an only child so it's mostly grandparents who I rarely see and a bunch of other relatives in the fourth or more consanguinity.

"Are you going somewhere else?" He then looks at me, his gaze piercing through my soul. No. I'll never leave. Not when you're around.

"Somewhere" I answered. I was trying to be as vague as I can because I don't know where I would go other than here. What's my backup plan?

"Can I come?"

"Yeah! Of course." I quickly responded to his request which I've already seen through light years away. Subtle, Alex, real subtle. I was using sarcasm on myself. Uncanny, but I guess that'll work.

Oh, I forgot to say I'm sorry. It doesn't matter I guess. At least, not right now anyway. He jogged his way back to the side of the bookstore where he parked his bike.

We travelled just outside town, where the river flows its light might. It was pretty safe, even a baby can dip in the river and not drown. I took him to my spot, where I can just lie down on my back and let the river cleanse the heat away from me. It's the lazy person's bath, and I like it.

I can't believe I took him to another place in the almost exact circumstances, except this time, there are people around. He was hesitant to go in at first, but he later got in and sat on a rock near me. Drizzled his feet in the water while I lay there near him, not caring about anything and trying not to think about what happened a few days ago at the pond.

His guard was up, I can tell. So I wouldn't push it.

I'm just happy that he decided to dive right in with me.

"Ever been here before?" I asked, focusing on the sky. I was trying my best to make a light conversation, maybe even sneak in my apology.

"Once, but I didn't knew you can dip in the river like what you're doing right now. I was the only person here when I first came" I see.

I sat now, my legs covered underneath the sheet of river water and faced him.

"About the time in the pond-" I started, but he cut me off.

"Yeah, I know I left in an abrupt way, I didn't even say goodbye. I'm sorry." Wait what? That's my line. Why was he apologizing? "I-uh. I had to go home." Stuff, he says.

What kind of stuff?

I'm confused.

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