The Price's

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"Don't be nervous, you'll be fine" Peter held me on both shoulders, trying to shake out every fiber in my body that's making me so uneasy. Meeting someone else's parents is never easy, especially if it's the parents of the one you love. I feel like I have to impress them or something.

But I'm just me.

"I'll try." I replied, as we both stood at the door.

"Ready?" He asks. I feel like I'm going to die. Peter opens the door and we walk inside. "Mom, we're here!"

I heard footsteps coming from the stairs, their house looks pretty neat, tidy and very cozy. But I've noticed that it was less lively than in my home, and I don't know why I feel this way but I do. And yet here I am, thinking that my home was already dull enough.

"Oh hi. You must be Alex. Peter has told me so much about you." Mrs. Price held out her hand and we both look at Peter, who's giving a shy smile. I shook her hand afterwards.

"Nice to meet you Mrs. Price" I examined her face – an unusual thing I do whenever I meet new people. She looked fine, but also a little bit out of it. If it makes sense. She doesn't look like she's in trouble, she just looks troubled. But about what?

"It's a pleasure to meet you too!" I gave a nervous laugh.

"Uhm, where's-" I was cut off by Peter's hand, firmly gripping mine.

"Bathroom? I'll show you." The bathroom was the last thing I'd like to know. What happened there? He took me upstairs, and into a bedroom that I assume was his.

"Hurry back you two." I heard Mrs. Price say from downstairs.

"What was that?" I asked as he gently closed the door.

"Uhm. It felt like you were gonna ask about my dad?" He sounded unsure, but he was right. He knows me well.

"Uh, yeah. Why?"

He takes a rather deep breath and proceeds to walk to his bed and sat there, and then just stared at the closed door in front of him.

"Can I tell you later? After dinner?" He was being mysterious. I wonder what happened. I hope everything is okay.

"Yeah, sure." I answered in defeat.

"Okay." He looks down, and pauses. Then gives me a wide exaggerated smile. "Just don't mention it around mom." He stands up and kisses my cheek, before heading out of the room. I followed his lead but he suddenly stopped. "Oh, and the bathroom's down the hall to your left". He added.

I made a mental note to myself to not ask about Peter's dad, and that the bathroom was down the hall to my left. It's a good thing that I'm excellent at keeping my mouth shut.

"Oh there you two are. Have a seat, dinner is ready." Peter and I obeyed diligently. I still couldn't quite place how I look at her mom, she looks fine yet the feel that I get from her is not fine at all. She feels conflicted, sad, full of grief all masked in her slight makeup and a bright smiling face. A masterful skill to achieve and handle, but an even better skill to see through one.

Which makes me wonder more.


I could be wrong though, that's also a possibility.

"Enjoy" Mrs. Price said as she placed the final dish in front of us. There's a lot of food at the table right now, good enough to feed five people - maybe even more. "I don't know what you'd like Alex, so I whipped up different dishes just in case."

"They all look delicious. Thank you Mrs. Price" I answered with an airy chuckle.

"Oh it was my pleasure. I haven't cooked like this in years, it felt good" I gave her a smile and looked at Peter, who was already looking at me as he gave this cute smile. Weird. Does his mom know? Do we want her to know? "Dig in boys!" She added.

We talked a little bit more about Trevallaño and the things that we did while we're out these past couple of days – the normal things we usually do like swim, eat, ride our bikes. Things like that. She apparently knew that my parents have their very own brewery. They do, but oddly enough, there's no wine at home, well, other than a bottle or two.

Then things got a little, deep.

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