I Miss You

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"Alex, honey?" Mom yells from the kitchen as soon as I entered the house.

"Yeah mom?" I replied walking towards the kitchen where I'm hearing a bunch of kitchen utensils clanging with each other. What is she making?

She then suddenly peeked from the doorway to the kitchen. "Letter." She said smiling as she showed the letter at hand.

My heart raced while I jogged towards her and grabbed the letter from her hand. "Thanks mom." I kissed her cheek and ran upstairs to open the letter.

I threw my bag on the side and immediately went to my table and opened the letter.

There's something wrapped in paper that says "Read the letter first", a postcard perhaps? Nevertheless, I followed his instructions and read the letter first.

My Alex,

I miss you dearly as well, my heart aches everytime I think of you, which is almost every minute of every day. I may have to get a check up from my doctor if this keeps on going.

I have to say, you did a good job guessing what I could've taken in your room. Honestly, there were tons of things there to choose from but you did narrow it down to four items quite easily. I applaud you for that.

I'm writing this as the sun is setting on my room window, where I wish you were, right here beside me. I miss holding you, I miss touching you, I miss your incandescent floral scent, I miss kissing you... I miss you.

I miss our talks, I miss Rebecca's cooking, I miss Trevallaño, I miss our bike rides, I miss you staring at me, I miss pretending that I don't see you staring at me, I miss staring at your eyes, I miss you so much it's crazy. I've fallen truly, madly, deeply in love with you Alex.

I knew I'll feel terrible when we both leave Trevallaño from the moment I kissed you. So I plotted, I wanted something to remember you by, something that screams you.

And you were right, one of the four guesses was the thing that I took as a "souvenir" if you will.

From the first night, up to the last night I kept visiting your room, the cassette player has always been sitting at the top of the shelf near the entrance to your room, so I thought, why not use it?

But I didn't have a cassette tape at that time. Luckily, you showed me the cassette that we both listened to. I remember specifically that it only has a side A, and no side B. So what I did? I made you play the guitar then sing afterwards, and I used side B to record everything.

It helped me so many times whenever I'm missing you terribly, like now as you're probably reading this letter, I'm listening to the recordings while I wait for your response.

I can't help but think that I'm being selfish. I'm just afraid of missing you, yet here we are. I miss you and I love you.

I hope to see you again.




I never actually thought that he'd feel this way. I thought I was being needy, it turns out that he's more affected by this than I am. I don't know if I should be happy about that or not.

I do miss him greatly as well.

I wish I knew he was recording me. If I did, then I would've given my best performance yet, it'll be my special gift to him.

I wish I could do something just to ease the pain for him. I can feel tears falling down my face just thinking about it.

I ended up reading the whole letter two more times, just reading it over and over again, imagining him saying these words to me or imagining him barging through my door and running towards me to kiss my lips for a few minutes.

Then I remembered the postcard.

I carefully ripped the wrappings and sure enough, it was a picture of my cassette side B, titled "Alex Singing". I chuckled the tears away as I flipped the card and read what was written.

You have a beautiful voice, don't forget that. Don't be afraid to speak your mind. Don't be like me when we were on the pond that day. I've listened to this more than a thousand times and I'm not sick of it, not even the slightest. I sometimes play this out loud in my room as I dance with a pillow imagining that it was you. It doesn't compare to your touch but it kind of helps.

I hope to see you soon. I love you so much.


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