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I notice him smile - I win again - he makes an effortless swing with his arm towards the seat beside him, where I wish I should be.

As I make small chit chat, I'm trying my damnedest to make him send me secret smiles - a little game I liked playing with him, although he may be oblivious to such a fact and as convoluted as it may seem, I still do it for my own pleasure.

"I think I'm sick." I told him. My stomach suddenly doesn't feel as giddy as it used to be. I may have been feeling off since this morning. What could this mean? Fever? Stomach Ache? Flu?

He feels my forehead. No, not there stupid. I wanted to tell him that, but I'm too flustered to do so.

"You don't feel sick." He says, sounding as if he were a doctor telling his patient that he's good to go home.

I wanted to let out a smirk, how cute he looks right now. I know he's smart enough to know that it's not the case. He's probably just teasing me, trying to make me ask more from him.

To which I'd happily oblige, but seeing as my head is in different places all at once right now, I couldn't be bothered to ask him for anything, not even a hug.

I just want to go home and lay on my bed. Probably with him, if possible.

"Just not feeling well" I spoke as I let out a weak smile. His smile now disappears. He catches on quick! I'm really impressed. But I feel sicker by the minute.

"We should get you home" He stands up from the brown stain-less stainless steel coffee chair that's probably been sat upon by hundreds or thousands of people by now.

I nod to his command, as I tried getting up from my dull coffee stained white stainless steel coffee chair. This is my usual chair. I always sit here and I mean always. Mr. Franta, the coffee shop owner, can vouch for me. I also made all the stains in this chair that I asked Mr. Franta not to clean. I can tell Peter every story of every stain on this very chair, but not right now, perhaps some other time.

He kisses my head as we walk towards our bikes. Then he puts an arm around my shoulder, so I rested my head on his shoulder. I feel tired, yet contented, but mostly sick. He kisses my head one more time before we separate ourselves from each other to ride our separate bikes back to my home.

I hear him stop in his tracks. "Alex" He calls.

I turn around to look. He was standing, his thumb pointing at his bike. "Where are you going? My bike's here" What does he mean?

"I don't get it" I replied hastily. My stomach was doing flips in an uncomfortable way now.

"Why don't you ride with me?" And leave my bike? But I'm very fond of my bike.

"But what about my bike?" I asked, he just smiled.

"I have training wheels" I instantly chuckled.

"Training wheels?"

"Yeah, so we can tow your bike" Ah. I see now. Clever indeed.

"You never cease to amaze me" I said, as I grabbed my bike and pulled it towards Peter. He finally opened the pouch on the front of his bike. I never knew what was really in there because he never opened it until now. I also saw a screw driver, pliers, rope and a bike lock all neatly arranged, plus of course the training wheels.

I sat on the small rock underneath a tree where I used to carve numbers when I was a kid, as I watched him install the training wheels on my bike.

"All done" He says after he installed them and tied my bike to his, even though I can perfectly see him from where I sat. I smiled and proceeded to walk towards his bike. Now our bikes are as one.

He gets on his bike, while I struggled to get on the back of his, but I got on nevertheless.

"Ready?" He asks, looking behind.


Then we rode the path towards my home.

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