Little Rain

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"Hurry up" I yelled at Peter through the rain. We pedalled as fast as we could, passing by puddles and mud that our backs were covered with wet dirt when we got to the front gate of my house. We originally planned to go to an abandoned windmill, but the weather had other plans for us, so we went back to my house instead.

We left our bikes outside the gate to tremble and fall while we ran our way towards the front porch, laughing and cackling amidst the heavy pouring of water around us. Heavy breathing immediately ensues as we stood at the porch; it was quiet inside the house. I looked at Peter and his wet shirt. It hugs his body quite perfectly, that I can't help but grab him from behind and just hug him.

He was warmer than a lit up fireplace.

I let go of the hug, once we both calmed down then he sneaks in a kiss on my cheek. I instinctively look around my surroundings after such. I've always been cautious of our actions to the point that I may have become perhaps paranoid about other people seeing what we do. I couldn't bear to think what they think of us, yet at the same time, I probably wouldn't even care if other people did see what we do.

Perhaps, I don't want other people to think differently of me just because I do something that's not – but should be – culturally accepted everywhere. Maybe in the future, maybe.

"Wait here" I smiled, while Peter responded with a nod.

I went inside and into my room, grabbed two towels then handed one to Peter once I got to him outside. I told him to wait for me in my room then took his wet shirt and mine to hang on the clothes line at the back, but Rebecca caught me before I could even get past the dining area.

"Wet clothes?" She asks from behind.

"Yeah, wet clothes." I showed it to her and she immediately took them.

"I'll take them, you go dry up. Is Peter with you?" She asked as she walked through the kitchen and out the back.


"I'll get the coco ready" She shouts. I smiled, thinking that Peter will finally taste Rebecca's famous hot coco. I'm sure he'll love it.

When I arrived in my room I saw him looking at my cassette player. "Do you want to listen?" I asked as I closed the door behind me, immediately I started rummaging my closet for something both of us can wear because him being shirtless is quite agonizingly distracting.

I grabbed the plain grey shirt that I wore when I first met him for him to wear and grabbed something random for me.

"Yeah, can we?" He smirked as he took the shirt that I gave him.

"Yeah, let me find a tape" I replied as I searched the cabinets for something that we can both listen. We could do something classical or maybe we can do the pop mix that I put together a long time ago.

"Found one" I announced, then the door creeks open.

"Coco's here." Rebecca said as she entered my room. "Put some clothes on Alex or you'll catch a cold" I almost forgot about that. Rebecca sometimes orders me around like I'm her kid, maybe it's her motherly instincts kicking in, I don't know. But nevertheless, I appreciate that she reminds me things like that every once in a while, she feels like my second mother by the way she treats me sometimes.

"Thank you." I said as I started to wear the shirt. "Happy?"

"Yes, now drink before it gets cold" She placed the two mugs full of hot coco on my side bed table and left without another word.

"So... Cassette?" Peter holds up the cassette player making me chuckle. I gave him the cassette tape then grabbed our hot coco's, I handed him his, while I sipped mine. I watched him put the pieces together.

Soon, we were listening to my pop mix that I put together two years ago. It was for a school thing that ended in my possession and I'm not complaining. It had some good beats in there. We listened on my bed – our bed – while I played with his fluffy hair and just enjoyed the moment as we stared at the ceiling.

One of the many moments I will surely remember.

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