write about me. take my features that i preserve as ugly and make them into the definition of everything that is glory. compare me to the sun, her girlfriend, the moon. speak about the first time we met, how keyboards and computer screens couldn't calm your heart. write as if these words have been cross stitched, ready to tear open by the seam and pour out for the world to see. make me feel full for once in my life, show nameless strangers how beautiful your muse is. from within, how much i shine, how heavy my heart feels in your hands, how lucky you've grown. draw me, sketch me out on paper on how you look at me. point out your mother's old garden in old photo albums, smile before confessing how you never thought you'd find something more prettier than it ever had been. hold my hand and raise it to the sky, watch the dimples recede into my cheeks, the ones you keep saying remind you of the moon's craters. don't give up on me as easily as the first man in my life had. hold me tight on nights where i need it, leave me alone when time becomes slow and the pain of all i've ever known dreads back to me. make me laugh after tears of confessions fall heavy from my lips and i feel drained and incomplete. let me rest my feet on yours while an intense play of video games arrive. eat cereal with me at two am, clueless playing quietly on the television behind us.
over a soft, candle lit dinner,
speak of how the universe was made
for you and i to exist,how i'll continue to teach you the courage of the stars
long after i have left.
on this day.
Poetryxvii, april. (ii). these words speak louder than i ever will. © playlist poetry h.r. : #55