Chapter 3

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The next few days passed by in a blur. In addition to our usual shows and meet and greets we had to squeeze in rehearsals for our upcoming performance at the Christmas in Washington concert that was going to be aired live on TNT on Christmas eve. It meant that we weren't going to be home for the holiday, but we all agreed that it was worth it to sing for the President of the United States.

But due to all of the rushing around I hadn't had a chance to speak with Harry about the other night. Which wasn't to say that I hadn't been thinking about it. I had. A lot. As much as I tried to push the thoughts of it out of my head, I couldn't help but get turned on every time I thought about how he had felt sitting underneath me. About how he had looked when he came. I felt like a fucking schoolboy again, getting hard at the most inappropriate times and having to shove my hands in my pockets or find somewhere to sit down to cover up. I even briefly considered carrying a book with me at all times in case I needed to cover my crotch, just like I had done when I was twelve.

And I couldn't remember ever having jerked off so much. Certainly not since I'd first discovered just how good touching myself could feel. It was like that again, finding any privacy I could before pumping myself relentlessly while thinking about Harry's warm, wet mouth and his big, rough hands. I didn't know what these thoughts meant, and I didn't want to think about why a guy was making me feel this way. A deeply ingrained part of me knew that I should be ashamed of these feelings, but it was Harry and Harry was the best of all of us, so how could caring about him ever be wrong? Besides, it was probably more about admiring him and wanting to be more like him than about wanting to be with him.

We hadn't gotten a single moment alone, and I honestly had no idea what he was thinking. Or if he even was thinking about me at all. I'd always been close with Harry, ever since Simon had announced that we had a second chance and that we were going to be a group. I was in shock at Simon's words but couldn't help the grin that spread across my face as I saw Harry bounding across the stage towards me like a giant fucking golden retriever, curls bouncing and dimples blazing. He scooped me up and I swear that I had never been hugged like that before. Not even my mum had ever held me that tight. It was like I could feel his life force pouring into me. And that was how it had been ever since. I'd always been shy, and I still was in comparison to the other boys, but around Harry I felt more confident than I did on my own. That was one of the reasons that it felt so disconcerting to feel as insecure around him as I had of late.

And now here I was sat next to him on the flight to DC. I wasn't sure whether I was glad to be near him or not. He was his normal happy self, joking around with Louis and pulling faces at Lux to make her giggle. I kept quiet, not sure if I was more nervous about Harry and me or the impending takeoff.

As everyone buckled up and the plane began taxiing down the runway, Harry turned to me with a serious look in his eyes. "You alright Zee? I know you've never been one for flying."

"I'm okay bro." I tried to smile at him but he wasn't buying it and put his hand over mine.

"Don't worry, I'll keep you safe," he whispered, and this time my smile was genuine. I let out a deep breath that it felt like I'd been holding for days. He made me completely forget about the flight as we chatted for a bit about how the show had gone earlier that night. I was relieved that there didn't seem to be any tension between us, though that didn't stop me from blushing when he leaned in close and asked, "Want to watch a movie? Maybe they've got an Emma Thompson flick. I know how much you like them."

"I'd rather watch Die Hard, unless you think you can't handle it," I replied with one eyebrow raised.

"Well it is a Christmas movie, so you know, two birds, one stone," he chuckled as he began to flick through the options. Luckily first class had On Demand and amazingly enough, Die Hard was available. Harry ordered it before asking the flight attendant for a blanket.

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