Chapter 28

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Security let go of me as soon as we got outside. I could hear one of them on the phone as they led me to one of the tour buses for the crew. When we got to it Paul was waiting outside, not looking too pleased.

He led me inside the bus and once we were alone he took a seat across from me and let out a deep breath. "Zayn, this is the second fight you've been in with one of your band mates in just a matter of weeks. We let the fight with Harry slide because you seemed to patch things up pretty quickly, but this can't keep happening. We have a show tonight and from the sound of it Louis is pretty banged up. What's going on with you? Is this about whatever is happening between you and Harry?"

"He started it Paul! He said horrible things, about me and Harry both," I insisted, hating how childish I sounded.

"Listen, I know you're...going through some stuff right now, but this type of behavior is unacceptable. All five of you boys are under contract for a minimum of 18 more months. That means that everyone's number one priority has to be the group. You know I don't want to dictate what you do in your personal life, but if this keeps up I'm not going to have a choice. Modest is all ready to step in and do whatever it takes to keep you and Harry apart, and this kind of shit just adds fuel to the fire."

"I'm sorry, I really am. I promise I didn't set out to hit him. He just started running his mouth about things that are very important to me and I lost it. He was the one provoking me. I swear the bastard wants management to have to step in."

"I'll be talking to him too, but it really doesn't matter who started it. This needs to end, now."

"What do you mean by 'this'?" I asked, hoping that he wasn't ordering me to break things off with Harry.

"I mean all the fighting and drama. I'm guessing that a lot of it is stemming from whatever has changed with you and Harry, so if you don't want to have to choose between him and your career I strongly suggest that you find a way to keep everyone happy."

"I'll figure it out Paul, I promise. And I'm sorry about the extra stress this is causing you," I said sincerely. Paul really was a good guy, and I didn't want to make his job any harder than it already was.

"I know son. I'm on your side, I really am. But no more fighting. No matter what."

I nodded and headed to my bus, wondering just how pissed Harry was with me. The atmosphere when I entered was tense, to say the least. Liam has his arm around Harry on one sofa, and Niall was sitting directly across from them. Thankfully Louis was no where to be seen. Niall jumped up as soon as he saw me and headed my way.

"What the hell is going on Zayn? First Harry hits you and now you attack Louis...why?"

"I'm sorry Ni, but I really need to talk to Harry alone. Harry, will you please talk to me?"

All three of us looked at Harry and I saw him nod at my request without looking up.

"Niall and I will just go get something to eat," Liam said. "Make this right Zayn. Please," he whispered to me as he walked by.

I took Niall's place on the sofa, not sure if Harry would want me near him. He was still staring down at his hands, so I couldn't see his face well enough to know how angry he was.

"Harry, I'm so sorry that I upset you. Will you please look at me?" I pleaded.

He shook his head. "You shouldn't have hit him," he said quietly.

His voice sounded so sad and I wanted nothing more than to hold him close to me. I stood up and dropped down on my knees in front of him, needing to touch him. I put my hands on his knees and he finally lifted his head. His eyes were red and I could tell that he'd only recently stopped crying. "You shouldn't have hit him Zayn," he repeated.

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