Chapter 54

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Harry and I stumbled into the dressing room a few minutes later, and we were met first by Paul. I could tell that he was trying his best to look angry, but I think deep down he was just relieved that Harry and I were both happy again. "You boys can't just run off like that. It's not safe."

I just smiled at him as he left the room, putting my arm around Harry's shoulder and giving him a big smooch on the cheek. I was still buzzing, from the show and the sex, and I wasn't about to let anyone put a damper on my good mood. Luckily the guys were the only other people in the room, and I figured that they wouldn't give us too much crap. Liam just gave us a fond look like the good big brother her was, while Niall laughed and mumbled something about us taking the term 'butt brothers' too far. Louis, of course, had something more to say.

"Oh, look who's back from their little sex romp. Aren't you two just positively glowing. Where have you been off to then? Didn't feel like asking the rest of us to join you on your little escapade?"

"Maybe next time Lou," I said, blowing him a kiss. He caught it in the air and I smiled brightly, thrilled with how supportive they were all being. I only hoped that they'd feel the same way after they found out about the baby, and I figured that now was as good a time as ever to find out. I looked over at Harry and he shrugged before nudging me forward with his shoulder, obviously thinking the same thing.

"Ummm, so guys, there's something we need to tell you," I started, before leaning back to whisper in Harry's ear. "We probably should've thought of the best way to word this before now."

"Probably," he giggled. Real fucking helpful Haz.

"Uh yeah, so you guys know that Harry and I are pretty serious..."

"Really serious," he interjected, and I rolled my eyes, several of the other boys joining me.

"So, you already know that we're moving in together, but we've got some other news as well. Some really sick news that we're very happy about. And we hope you will be too," I said pointedly, hoping to influence their reactions. "So yeah, we're...ummm, we're having a baby."

My announcement was met by blank stares. Liam was the first to recover, clearing his throat before asking, "You mean you're adopting a baby?"

"A real, live baby?" Louis added.

"No. Jade'spregnantandoneofusisthefather," I blurted out, as quickly as I could.

"Did you just say that Jade's pregnant? And one of you is the father? And you don't know which one?" Liam asked in disbelief, his voice getting higher and higher with each question, as Louis put his head in his hands and Niall let out a loud cackle.

"Only you two arses would be dumb enough to have a threesome, with your fiancée's best mate no less," Niall said, pointing at me, "and knock her up. So now you can have a secret love child to go along with your secret love affair. Classic!"

"Yep, that pretty much sums it up," Harry agreed with a laugh.

Liam cleared his throat. "I'll say it again. You don't know which of you is the father?"

"No. We won't know until the baby's born I guess," I admitted.

"But it really doesn't matter," Harry said, interlocking his hand with my own. "It's going to be our baby, no matter what."

"And you guys are okay with this? You want her to keep it?" Louis asked.

"We're more than okay with it. This might be our only chance to have a baby, you know?" I said, and Harry nodded in agreement beside me.

"Then I guess we're okay with it too," Liam said, and I let out a breath I hadn't known I'd been holding at his words.

"Well then congrats papas!" Niall said, pulling us over so that we could have a group hug. I squeezed them all tight, thankful beyond belief for their friendship.

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