Chapter 68

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The trip ended all too soon. We were both quiet as we boarded the flight, anticipating that a shitstorm of epic proportions was going to be waiting for us back home. I could tell that Harry was anxious, and he quickly started downing one drink after another. I didn't know what to say to ease his mind, so I just held his hand, kissing it every now and then to show him that I loved him. His mood seemed to improve with each drink, just as his stories got more and more random and the volume in which he told them got louder and louder. I was thoroughly enjoying his antics, but I finally decided that it was time to cut him off when he started telling jokes. 

"Hey Zayn, where do you find a one-legged dog?" he asked me as the plane was landing, his face flushed and his eyes shining. I ignored him as I finished his drink for him, but he wasn't having it. "Zayn...Zayn...Zee...Zed!" he yelled, poking me in the side repeatedly.

I sighed. "I dunno, Harry, where?"

"Wherever you left him!" he shouted, slapping his knee as he guffawed. I couldn't help but laugh along with him, grateful that he was still smiling even though we were officially back in London. By the time we made it onto the tarmac his limbs seemed too long for his body, and he accidentally slapped me repeatedly as he attempted to spin around in a circle, reminding me of a flailing octopus.

"I love Zayn Javadd Malik!" he shouted at the sky. "I love him and he loves me and the whole world needs to know it!"

"Alright Casanova. Come on, buck up," I instructed, bending down so that he could jump on my back. I knew from the way that he was tripping over his own feet that this would be the quickest way to make it to the car that was waiting for us. He jumped up eagerly, wrapping his legs around my waist and nuzzling his face into my neck. "Geez Haz, you weigh a ton," I groaned as I staggered to stay upright.

"It's just baby weight," he insisted indignantly, his breath hitting my neck in puffs. "Little Daisy's the one who weighs a ton."

"Daisy? I'm not sure about that one..."

"Maisie?" he asked hopefully.

I shook my head as we finally made it to the car. "Keep trying."

"Hazy? Lazy? Crazy?"

"Yeah, how 'bout we talk about baby names when you're sober, 'kay?" He nodded solemnly as I helped him into the SUV, resting his head against the seat and singing what sounded like some sort of show tune as he looked out of the window.

Luckily we were able to get from the airport to our house without any paparazzi sightings. It was late when we arrived, but Beth was waiting for us as we stumbled through the door, my arm wrapped protectively around Harry's waist, and she welcomed us both with big hugs.

"Beth! I missed you so much! Ooohh...guess what? I kissed Zayn onstage and everybody saw. No more hiding for us," he told her, speaking even more slowly than normal.

"I know, I saw, and I'm so proud of you, love," she said as she cupped his cheeks, causing his eyes to shine even brighter.

"I had to do it, Beth. I just love him so much," he whispered loudly, a serious expression on his face and his eyes as wide as saucers. "He doesn't know it yet, but one day we're gonna get married and my name's gonna be Harry...Edward...Malik. Doesn't that sound good, Beth? Harry Malik? I just love him so much," he told her again as she led him into the living room and sat him down on the sofa.

I felt his sweet words wash over me one by one, filling my heart to the brim. I knew that he was totally pissed, but I hoped that this was more than just a drunken declaration. I hoped that he meant everything that he'd just said, because I felt exactly the same way. I wanted us to share a last name as well. Hell, I wanted us to share everything. He wasn't just a part of my life; he was my life. The love I felt for him had inspired me to become a better man, and I never wanted to go back to the scared little boy I'd been before. I only wanted to go forward, and I couldn't imagine a future that didn't involve Harry.

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