Chapter 5

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I was going crazy. That was the only explanation. Rehearsal had ended a few hours before and I was sitting in Niall's hotel room, surrounded by some of the crew and a bunch of people that I didn't recognize. Most of them looked to be around my age, and I had no idea how Niall had met them in the short time we had been in DC. That was just Niall though, always making new friends.

The drinks were flowing and they had hit me like a mack truck. I was drunk, but I wasn't wasted enough not to notice that I was losing my fucking mind. I couldn't take my eyes off of Harry. Off of the reason that I'd been hard for half the night.

He was stupid drunk, and he'd lost his shirt at some point during the night, probably taking it off just to torture me. He swayed his hips to the loud music, never looking my way, seemingly oblivious to everything but the beat and the drink in his hand. He looked every bit like the rock star he was and he took my fucking breath away. When the lights hit him just right I could see beads of sweat running down his body, and I wanted nothing more than for my tongue to chase after them. I wanted to taste every one of his tattoos and to bite the skin at his hips.

I could feel myself becoming obsessed and I wasn't sure how to stop. Or if I even wanted to stop. I didn't know what to make of my feelings towards him, and even through the haze in my mind I still knew that some sort of monumental shift had occurred inside of me. And I had no idea if he felt the same way.

I watched in horror as a girl began dancing around him before sliding her butt back against his crotch. Whore.

Harry, however, didn't seem to mind one bit. He put one hand on her hip and danced right along with her. I chugged the rest of my drink as I felt Liam sit down on the couch next to me.

"Whoa, slow down mate!" Liam shouted with a laugh. I saw Harry's head shoot up at the noise, but he made no move to back away from the skank.

"Thanks for the tip Daddy. Just get me another one," I sneered before realizing what an asshole I was being. "Shit, I'm sorry bro. I don't know what's wrong with me."

"No worries. Here, just finish mine," he said, handing me his mixed drink. I told a big sip and looked back up at Harry, who was still staring at me. He brought his beer bottle up to his mouth and ran his tongue around the rim before wrapping his lips around it. Jesus Christ, he was practically deep throating the bottle. Was he trying to fucking kill me?

I groaned and looked away, trying to focus on anything but the boy in front of me and the throbbing in my jeans. But out of the corner of my eye I could see as Harry stepped away from the girl and made his way over to Liam and me without a second glance back at her. Good.

"Come dance with me Zeeeee," he slurred. He grabbed my hand and yanked me up, pulling me into his body. I pushed him off of me and took a quick step back.

"Hazza, you're wasted."

"Well you and I both know that I am a phenomenal dancer when I'm drunk. Come on," he insisted as he dragged me towards the stereo. It was a little more secluded there, and the music was so loud that I could feel it vibrating in my bones. Harry pulled me forward by my belt buckle and I backed away as soon as I felt his fingers graze my skin.

"Not here Harry, someone could see." He pouted at me, literally sticking his full bottom lip out and I smiled. "You're drunk."

"Guilty," he replied with a smirk, stepping forward so that the length of his body was pressed against mine. He angled our bodies so that his back was to the room and pulled me even closer to him. Once I felt that he was just as turned on as I was I couldn't help but give in to him, allowing myself to relax into him.

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