Chapter 52

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I was interrupted from my workout in Harry's home gym with a text from him. I rolled my eyes as I opened it, knowing that he was right upstairs. I may have teased him about how often he texted me, but secretly I loved the fact that he couldn't wait the time it took him to walk down two flights of stairs to communicate with me. I bit back a whimper when I saw that it was a picture of him lying in bed, sheet tented from his dick.

ZAYN: What are you doing Styles?

HARRY: Thinkin bout u

Harry never used text speak, so I knew something was up. I slowed the treadmill to a walk as I texted him back.

ZAYN: Are you seriously having a wank right now?

HARRY: Tried 2 wait for u but ur taking 4ever. Don't b mad. U know it's urs. However u want it, it's urs. Cum upstairs

ZAYN: Not now love. I'm still sore.

Harry didn't reply, so I increased the treadmill speed once again. But he was in the room before I even made it to a jog, leaning against the doorframe in just his underwear.

"You can't leave me like this babe," he said, motioning towards his cock, which was hard and pointing right at me. "Come on, I'll be really quick. You'll barely notice me."

"I've created a monster. Are you ever not horny?" I asked as I gave up on my run and moved to the floor to do push-ups.

"Says the guy who begged me to fuck him in a car park yesterday. Besides, it's your fault, working out with that cute little ass in those shorts and no shirt on. You're purposely teasing me."

I understood exactly how he felt. Half the time the only thing that got me out of bed and into the gym was the promise of seeing Harry shirtless and sweaty, curls pushed back by one of his little headbands. And I'd be lying if I said I wasn't working out right then so that I could make sure that I looked good for him. I couldn't think of any better motivation.

"I'm sure you'll have another hard on that we can put to good use later."

"Yeah, but I like this one. I don't want to waste it," he pouted.

"Well, I'm not fucking you until you man up and do the ice bucket challenge," I replied, knowing that bribing him would be the fastest way to get him to actually do it. He'd been challenged by several people days before but had avoided following through, though we had both already donated to the cause. I understood his reluctance, since I had threatened him up and down that he better not nominate me for it.

"Let's go do it now then. I need you!" he said, stomping his foot and making me laugh so hard that I struggled to push myself back up. I loved his eagerness, and I hoped he never stopped being so needy and demanding.

"Just let me finish my reps and I'd be happy to dump water on you."

His bare feet appeared in my peripheral vision a second later, and the next thing I knew his face was beneath mine. I held my arms straight and raised my eyebrow, wondering what he had in mind. "I think you need some motivation to finish up faster, so you'll get a kiss every time you come down."

"I think I like the sound of that," I said as I bent my arms until my lips were pressed against his. 

"One," he mumbled as he gave me a big smooch. He counted each of my reps and kissed me for every one of them, though by the time we reached the forties he was also trailing his hands up and down my sides. I barely made it to fifty, collapsing onto the floor and slipping my tongue between his lips as soon as the number was out of his mouth.

He immediately tried to deepen the kiss, but I shook my head and pulled away. "Nuh-huh. Not until you're soaking wet and freezing cold."

"Has anyone ever told you that you're not very nice Zayn?" he asked as he hopped up and stomped out of the room, my laughter following him the whole way.

He dressed in a t-shirt and shorts quickly, though I told him repeatedly that millions of people, myself included, would rather see him do the challenge in his boxers. He ignored me, and secretly I was happy about this, not wanting anyone to see him that way but me.

He recruited his two gardeners to help us, and they both stood on the balcony off of the master bedroom as he stood below. I warmed a towel in his dryer as he waited outside, not wanting him to have to suffer for too long. I was just off camera while he completed the challenge, shooting him a stern look as he made his nominations so that he wouldn't be tempted to name me, and giving him a reassuring smile as he braced himself for the impact of the water.

I winced as it hit him, the force of it coming from two stories above causing him to hop away from the cold stream as quickly as he could. I longed to rush out to him right away, and it seemed like an eternity before the guys shouted that they were done filming. I raced to him as soon as they did, wrapping him up in the warm towel and ushering him inside. 

I peeled his wet clothes off of him and led him to the living room, where I had a cup of hot tea waiting for him. He was shivering, and I held him close as we sat on the sofa, running my hands up and down his arms to help warm him up. He looked so cute and vulnerable sitting there, curls plastered against his forehead and teech chattering. I pushed his wet hair off of his face as I leaned in to kiss him, trying to spread some of the warmth of my body to his.

"You did so good Haz. I'm so proud of you baby," I murmured against his lips. He smiled at my compliment and I snuggled into him. His misery over being cold and wet seemed to have taken the wind out of his sails, so we just cuddled on the sofa for the rest of the afternoon. It felt great to hole up under a blanket with him, ignoring the world. Ignoring everything but the man that was sat beside me. I barely paid any attention to the romantic comedy that we'd put on, more entertained watching him laugh and feeling him pressed against my body than I was with the story line of the film.

He had warmed up pretty quickly, but we remained huddled under the blanket, my arm wrapped around his shoulders and my leg thrown over his. He'd discarded all of his wet clothing, and knowing that he was naked was driving me crazy. But I still avoided moving things further, content to just hold him close.

Even after he'd fully recovered, I still felt bad that he'd had to go through anything that had caused him even a moment of discomfort. He was my baby, and seeing him cold and miserable had affected me more than I'd expected it too, though I was glad that I had been the one who was there to warm him up afterwards. I placed a kiss on his head where it rested against my shoulder, knowing that I would do anything to make him happy. 

"Is it too early to start thinking about baby names?" I asked him after the second movie ended.

He looked up at me with a bright smile. "No way," he said as he sat up so that he could look me in the eye. "I'd really like the baby to have both of our last names, no matter whose it ends up being. What do you think?"

I felt my heart beat a little faster as I took in his words. "I love that idea. Little baby Malik-Styles. No wait, Styles-Malik has a better ring to it, yeah?"

"Yeah," he said with a little smile that looked so cute that I couldn't resist tackling him. I landed on top of him on the sofa, showering him with kisses and love before wrapping my arms around him and holding him close. All the fight left his body as he melted into my hug. His body was completely pliant beneath mine, and he looked sweet and innocent and absolutely perfect as I stroked his cheeks with my fingers.

"We're gonna be dads," I said, a huge grin spreading across my face. 

"I know. In just a few months we'll be living here, together, with a baby of our own. I can't wait."

"Me either," I agreed, hugging him even tighter. I couldn't wait, and I couldn't think of anything better than the idea of starting a family with him. This was all happening so much sooner than I'd ever expected it to, but pretty much everything good in my life had happened ahead of schedule, so why should this be any different? As long as we were together, I knew that anything that made us more of a family could be nothing but a blessing.

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