Chapter 49

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I couldn't believe that we were finally done with the U.S. leg of our tour. Even more exciting than that was the fact that we had a whole week off before we had our first European show. An entire week with no work. Seven days before we had to answer an interviewer's prying questions. 168 hours without an audience watching our every move. 10,080 minutes with no screaming fans. Just me and Harry and a whole house to ourselves. No cramming into a bunk on the bus or stifling our moans in hotels. I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve as we pulled up his drive, and from the look on Harry's face, he must have felt the same way.

We dropped our bags on the floor as soon as we got inside and looked at each other, grins spreading across both our faces. Harry let out a squeal that I echoed, stopping only when we realized that we weren't alone in the room.

"Mr. Harry! You're home earlier than I expected. Don't worry, I did everything you asked, and I'll be out of your hair in a jiff," an older woman with a kind face and beautiful red hair said.

"Nonsense, it's lovely to see you," he reassured her as he gave her a quick kiss on each cheek. "Beth, I'd like you to meet my boyfriend Zayn."

I blushed at his introduction, and it took me a moment to find my voice. This marked the first time that he'd introduced me as his boyfriend, and it felt fucking incredible. I held my hand out to her as soon as I regained my composure, wanting to make a good impression on the housekeeper whom Harry had mentioned so many times before.

"It's nice to meet you Mr. Zayn; I've heard so much about you," she said, looking as happy as I felt. After some pleasantries Harry excused us, grabbing my hand and pulling me into the kitchen.

"This isn't the first place I thought you'd drag me once we were finally alone, but I can get down with it," I teased.

He ignored me and opened the pantry and then the fridge. They were both fully stocked, and my mouth started to water at the sight of all the delicious food.

"I had Beth stock your favorites," he said as he pointed out all of the snacks that had been bought just for me. "I even got some recipes from your mom, so now you can eat home cooked meals while you're here. I don't want you to be missing out on anything while you're staying with me."

I felt my cheeks warm as his words registered, not with embarrassment but with overwhelming love. Here I had been racking my brain all week, trying to come up with the perfect way to show Harry how much I cared about him, and he'd managed to prove his love to me once again, in the simplest yet most meaningful of ways. It might not have been some grand gesture, but it captured Harry's personality perfectly. This act was simple, sweet, and straightforward, just like him. He'd done this just because he wanted me to be comfortable in his home.

"You really need to stop being such a thoughtful fucker. You're making me look bad. I wanna be the better boyfriend."

"I smell a bet brewing," he said, his eyes twinkling. "What does the winner get?"

I sighed as I leaned forward to kiss him. "We don't need a competition to tell me what I already know. You won a long time ago. You're the best boyfriend in the world."

He started to argue but suddenly I didn't want to hear what he had to say. I still had no idea how I was going make him feel as loved as he always made me feel, but I knew how I could make him feel wanted, cause goddamn did I want him. I wanted his body and his heart and his soul, and I wanted them forever.

"Zayn, you know-" he started, before I distracted him by unbuckling my belt where I stood. I didn't give a fuck that we had just gotten off of a transatlantic flight or that we were in the middle of his kitchen with the fridge still open. I'd told him a million times how how fucking hot he made me, and now it was time to show him. But, some things did bear repeating, and I wasn't about to be quiet about my feelings as I did so.

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