Chapter 58

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I dried Harry off and wrapped him up in one of the hotel's big fluffy white robes and settled him back into bed before heating up the rest of his soup in the microwave. He was feeling a bit better and probably would have been fine feeding himself this time but I didn't give him the option. I was kind of enjoying how helpless he was, how reliant on me he'd become since he'd started feeling sick, so I was going to savor it while it lasted.

Even though Harry was perfect for me - the only one for me really - I often worried that I wasn't perfect for him. That he could easily find someone who was better for him. Someone who was better than me. So maybe this was a chance, albeit it a small one, for me to be exactly what he needed; exactly what he wanted. Maybe for this one night I could be perfect for him.

I fed him the remainder of his soup, blowing on each spoonful before bringing it to his lips to make sure that it wasn't too hot for him. Once he finished it he wanted his ginger ale, which he'd made me open before his bath so that it would have time to go flat. As I turned to pick it up from the side table I saw him smiling out of the corner of my eye, but when I turned around to look at him fully he was doing his best Liam impression, all pouty lips and puppy dog eyes, so I knew that he was playing up his illness. I smirked, thinking that he seemed to like me taking care of him as much as I liked doing it.

I clicked on the telly and stripped down to my boxers, pretending not to notice the way he looked me up and down, pretending that I wasn't standing up a little straighter than I would have been if I was alone, that I definitely wasn't flexing my muscles, not even a little bit. I  straightened the sheets as best I could without making him get up and climbed into bed next to him, so close that we were touching from hip to ankle.

"How are you feeling love?"

"Miserable," he sniffled. "Just plain awful."

"Is there anything I can do to make you feel better?" I asked, running my fingers through his damp hair, which was just starting to shape itself into the curls that I loved so much.

"I don't know...I just ache all over."

"Want me to give you a massage?"

He nodded eagerly, like this was the best idea I'd ever had. "Yeah, I think that might help a bit."

I angled my body so that my chest was pressed against his shoulder. "Anywhere in particular you'd like me to rub first?" I asked, one eyebrow arched.

He sighed, looking pointedly at his lap. "Anywhere that you think deserves the most attention. Is there a part of me you most want to massage? Any part of me you might be aching to touch?" he asked, biting his lip.

"Is there anywhere my princess is aching for me to touch?" I asked, slanting towards him and nipping at his neck.

"I ache for you all over daddy," he said quietly, making my c0ck stir.

I sat up and began to crawl down the bed, making sure that he had a good view of my ass as I did so. "Actually I've been thinking about getting my hands on a certain part of you all night. I can't wait to stroke you and knead you until you can't take it anymore. I bet you're just dying for me to put my hands on your big...juicy...thighs," I said, climbing on top of him and opening his robe so that I could grab his legs. "Oh my god, I can't get enough of them. I just wanna bite them and kiss them and rub them all night long!"

He laughed and tried to push me off of him as I tickled him and sucked harshly at his thighs. "Stop it, stop it, it tickles!"

I smirked up at him from my position between his legs. "I can't help it. They're just so beefy. I just wanna eat you up. I'm gonna start calling you Angus. Angus, my beefy boyfriend, please let me nom on your juicy thighs."

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