Chapter 44

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We were staying in a hotel that night, and as soon as we got to my room I started unbuttoning Harry's shirt.

"What are you doing babe?"

"Just please get these clothes off. They aren't you, and I don't want you to be anyone but yourself, especially not for that prick," I said as I pushed his shirt off his shoulders.

My eyes landed on his neck, which was still red from where my father had grabbed it. I immediately started tearing up, disgusted with my dad for acting that way and disgusted with myself for letting him hurt Harry.

I placed gentle kisses all around the marks, not knowing how else to make up for what had happened. "I'm so sorry Harry. Please forgive me," I pleaded with him as I finally pulled away.

I saw that his eyes were red as well, and my heart wanted to break all over again. "Zayn, please listen to me," he said, cupping my face with his hands. "You have absolutely nothing to be sorry for. You're a wonderful man and a perfect boyfriend, and despite how he raised you, you have nothing but love in your heart. You reacted in just the way I would have wanted you to - you stood up for me and you protected me. I'm just sorry that I put you in that situation. I should have listened to you when you said that you wanted to tell him alone. But it's over now, and I love you so much. Do you love me?"

"Of course I love you, more than anything," I answered.

"Then we can be each other's family. That way, no matter who let's us down, we'll still have each other."

I wiped my eyes with the back of my hands and tried to stop sniffling, wanting to be strong for him. He pulled my hands away from my face and kissed each of my eyelids before placing a sweet, soft kiss on my lips. I slid my arms around his waist and rested my head against his shoulder, holding him tight. I had never loved him more than I did in that moment. My heart was damn near bursting with it.

He walked us over to the bed and sat me down. "What do you say we relax here for a bit and then we go out and have some fun? I think we've earned a night of drunken debauchery, how about you?" he asked as he untied my trainers.

I nodded and smiled at him, reaching forward to get him out of his trousers. They were so loose that I was able to pull them down without unbuttoning them. "Well that's a first," I joked. "Where'd you even get these?"

"I borrowed them from Liam," he answered and I laughed. I couldn't think of two people who dressed more differently than Harry and Liam.

"Well, I like them. Easy access and all."

"Maybe I'll wear them tonight," he replied with an impish grin as he climbed onto the bed next to me. I took my own shirt off and lied down beside him, pulling him down so that he was resting on my chest. "It is St. Patrick's Day after all. You know what that means..."

"That Niall's gonna get wasted?"

"No. Well yeah, that's a given, but it means that it's a special occasion."

I shrugged, feigning ignorance. I knew exactly what he was referring to, especially since he'd hinted at the same thing a few days ago, on what he claimed was If Pets Had Thumbs Day.

"You know what happens on special occasions, don't you Zayn?"

"Wow, you are just desperate to get back in this booty, aren't you? Go on, admit it!" Harry just laughed as I began to tickle him, so I scooted down until my mouth was next to his ear. "If you want it that bad you know you can have it. I want my baby to have everything he wants."

He scrunched his face up, and he looked so adorable that I couldn't resist kissing him, right on the tip of his cute little nose. "I know babe, I just like teasing you. The truth is that you're a top and I'm a bottom, and that's how I like it, most of the time at least. Just another reason we're perfect for each other."

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