Chapter 62

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We really should have left that evening to head back to the tour, but the allure of staying home for one more night was too enticing. We vowed to leave first thing in the morning so that we could get back in time for sound check before settling in for a relaxing night. I loved being here, and I couldn't wait until we were able to stay there long enough for it to feel like our permanent home. I longed for the days when I would come home to the sound of a baby giggling and the smell of Harry cooking dinner.

I would have liked to visit Jade in hospital again while we were in town, but the paparazzi were making it too difficult. I'd already gotten lucky that they were assuming that I was just tagging along with Harry as he visited her, and I didn't want to press my luck. If a reporter started suspecting that I had cheated on Perrie with Jade it would open a whole can of worms that I wasn't ready to deal with. We'd cross that bridge when we had to.

Harry was in the shower, so I let myself out on the balcony outside of the master bedroom for a smoke. I'd already hit the bowl a few times and was feeling pretty fucking good when I heard him rummaging around in the bedroom. He opened the french doors a minute later and I turned my head to see him standing completely naked.

"Jesus Harry, get your arse back inside. Someone could see you."

"Nonsense. The backyard is completely secluded. It's one of the reasons I fell in love with this house," he said as he took a seat next to me on the swing. "That and the view," he added, ignoring said view in favor of looking me up in down. I was just wearing some low slung joggers, and I could tell that he approved of my choice of clothing.

I didn't bother arguing any further as I looked out over the vast expanse of his yard. It really was beautiful, all lush and green up close with the city in the background. The sun was just setting, and the sky was awash in a sea of pinks and reds and oranges. I pulled him closer to me, throwing the blanket I'd brought out with me over his lap. I was weak, and him totally nude was more temptation than I could handle.

We watched the sun fade away, cuddling quietly as the sky became dark. You couldn't see the stars, but the lights of London were visible and that was almost as good. Harry felt so good next to me, the warm skin of his side pressing against my bare chest. His profile looked beautiful silhouetted in the moonlight, and I pushed him back against the side of the seat so that I could climb onto his lap, wanting to feel his strong arms wrapped around me.

I settled back against him, his chest flush with my back and his chin nestled against my shoulder, loving how perfectly we fit together. He wasn't known for being quiet, and it felt so amazing to know that we were able to share the silence and not feel compelled to fill it with inane chatter. Our lives were so busy and often overwhelming, and I craved peace and quiet, but I also craved Harry, so this was the best of both worlds.

I could feel his chest vibrate against me as he began to hum. The low rumble of his voice seemed to ignite every one of my senses as he started to sing softly, before pausing to kiss a trail from my shoulder up my neck. I angled my body to face him better as he turned my hand over in his so that he could trace over my fresh ink. His touch was gentle, and it made my skin tingle.

"Thank you again for getting this," he murmured. "I know I seem all confident and totally amazing all the time, but you have no idea what it means to me that I'll be able to see this...this symbol of our love every day," he told me as he brought my arm up to his lips and kissed the new tattoo.

I felt tears well up in my eyes. This was exactly what I had wanted when I'd decided to get it. It was a symbol of our love, and of how long I planned on being with him. But we'd been through too much drama over the last few days, so I decided to try to lighten the mood before I started sobbing like a little sissy.

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