Chapter 25

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"What's going on in here?" Liam asked as he looked from me to Harry's bunk.

I cursed in frustration and dropped back to the floor, avoiding Liam's gaze and reaching down to grab my shirt.

"Hey Li, what's up?" I asked, trying to sound nonchalant and wondering if there was any way to inconspicuously button my pants.

"Zayn, what's going on?" he pressed.

"Nothing," I said with a shrug, taking a step in front of the curtain blocking Harry's bed, somehow hoping that I could intercept the accusations I knew were coming.

"I'm not an idiot Zayn. I know that Harry's in his bunk. And I know something's going on with you two.  You can come out now Harry."

Harry popped his head out immediately, and the fucker had the nerve to look like he thought the whole situation was funny. He opened the curtain and swung his legs over the edge, and I could tell that he was biting his lip to keep from laughing. He was still shirtless, but luckily he had put his pants on.

Liam gaped at us for a moment before seeming to recover. "Are you two like...together? Together together?" he asked, a look of disbelief clouding his face. "Is Harry the one Niall heard you with yesterday?"

My face felt like it was on fire and my hands had started to shake from nerves. I honestly didn't know where to begin, which I think Liam could tell because he turned his attention to Harry.

"Harry, tell me what's going on," he urged, using his firm "Daddy" voice.

"Probably exactly what you think is going on," he answered with a shrug.

"I don't like it," Liam responded, and as much as I'd like to say that it didn't hurt, I'd be lying if I did. Liam was one of my best mates, and I didn't want him to think badly of me. He must have seen our appalled expressions, because he quickly amended his statement. "Not because you're both guys, though that will take some getting used to, but because of the band. It's a bad idea, just like it would be a bad idea for one of you to date Lou or Caroline. Hell, it's a bloody bad idea for Zayn to date Perrie now that she's on the tour, but that ship's already sailed."

I had been torn between fear at him discovering our secret and anger over being interrogated, but his affronted reaction pushed the scales over to anger completely.  

"Well, that's too fucking bad, because this ship's already sailed too," I said as I pulled Harry up and put my arm around him, holding him close. He leaned into my touch, making the ground feel a bit steadier under my feet.

"You don't have to be thrilled about it, but you have to accept it. I'm with Zayn now, and I've never been happier. I love him," Harry said as he locked his arms around my waist. Despite the tense situation my body trilled at his words, ecstatic to hear him announce his feelings towards me to someone else.

 "I don't know guys. Does management know about this?"

"They know enough," I insisted, not even wanting to consider the consequences of Modest finding out about what we had just been caught doing.

"Can't you just be happy for us?" Harry pleaded.

"I'm sorry Hazza. You guys know I love you no matter what. Just give me some time to wrap my head around this, alright? I mean, I've caught you both with girls plenty of times, but it's not everyday you walk in on two of your best mates practically shagging."

I felt the heat in my cheeks spread to my ears and turned my back to Liam, too embarrassed to face him. I buried my face in Harry's neck, taking comfort in the fact that he smelled like apricots and soap and maybe even a hint of me.

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