Chapter 45

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"Zayn, please. I've been trying to call you all night."

One look at Harry told me that he recognized the voice too, and he was not happy that she was banging on my door in the middle of the night.

"What the hell is going on?" he asked as we scrambled to put our clothes back on.

"I have no idea what she wants, I swear. It's probably nothing. I'm gonna let her in, alright?"

Harry nodded and I opened the door, revealing a very distraught Jade, mascara streaming down her face.

"Jade, what's wrong? Are you okay?" I had seen my sisters upset enough times to know when a girl needed a hug, so I ushered her in and put an arm around her shoulder, trying to comfort her without pissing Harry off more.

He was still tipsy, and he glared at us with his hands on his hips. "What's going on with you two?" he demanded to know.

"Nothing! You know that Haz."

Jade looked back and forth between us. "So it's true then? You guys really are a couple?"

I took a step towards Harry and put my arm around his waist. "Yes, it's true. We're together."

"And we're very much in love so I'm afraid we won't be having any repeats of Valentine's Day, no matter how much you beg. Sorry," he added, making me roll my eyes.

"No, that's not why I'm here. I'm happy for you. You make a great couple."

"So why are you here Jade?" I asked, as gently as I could.

"Well, it does kind of have to do with that night. I don't really know how to say this, and I only just found out myself, but...I'm pregnant."

My stomach dropped as her words and the meaning behind them hit me, and I tightened my arm around Harry.

"Are you...are you saying that you got pregnant that night? But we used protection, both of us!"

"I know, but condoms aren't foolproof. And I haven't had sex with anyone else since I've been on tour. I've been feeling weird lately, and I took a test today was positive."

I let go of Harry and started pacing the room, running a hand through my hair. A million thoughts were racing through my head. How could this have happened? Should we trust her? What would this mean for Harry and me? How would we tell out parents? Or management? Or the press?

"So, you're saying that you're pregnant, and one of us is the father?" I asked, my voice breaking on the last word. "I don't suppose you know which one of us it is?"

She shook her head no and looked like she wanted to cry again. I glanced over at Harry. He hadn't moved or said anything since Jade had dropped this bomb, and he was staring at the floor, looking contemplative.

"Have you decided what you're going to do?" he asked without looking up, his voice gentle.

"I'm going to have the baby. I don't really have many other options, since I'm Catholic."

"Yeah, but you're the kind of Catholic who has threesomes, sooo..." Harry said in a teasing tone. I looked at him and was surprised to find him smiling.

"Haz? How can you joke around at a time like this?" I asked as he walked towards me and wrapped me up in a big hug, squeezing me as he bounced up and down.

He pulled back to look at me. "What? It's not like any of us are in this situation because we took a wrong turn on the way to church," he reminded me with a laugh. I just stared at him, totally baffled by his reaction.

"Come on Zee, this isn't the worst news in the world, is it? I mean, think about it. You and me being together means that having kids might be off the table. You've thought about that, right?" he asked me. I nodded, feeling a little flutter of excitement in my belly.

"Well, this way we could have a baby. It's not ideal, far from it really, and I have no idea how we'd explain it to anyone, but still. We're going to have a baby. A baby that's actually related to one of us, that we can raise together," he finished, placing his hands on my cheeks. His eyes were shining, and I leaned forward to kiss him, excited and overwhelmed and terrified at this new possibility.

"The best of both worlds," I whispered against his lips, realizing that what I'd originally thought of as a disaster could end up being more like a miracle. This was all happening so fast, and much sooner than I'd expected, but everything about our courtship, ever since that first kiss, had been in overdrive. I'd fallen fast and hard for him. I knew that I wanted to be with him forever, and I knew that I wanted kids with him, so how could I look at this situation as a negative when I was getting everything that I'd dreamed of, even if the timing was off?

Jade cleared her throat and Harry and I broke apart. I'd forgotten that she was in the room for a moment, too focused on the future I was imagining with Harry.

"Well I'm glad to see you two are on board," she said with a small smile, looking happier than she had since she'd arrived.

"Oh my god, we're being so rude. Come, sit down. Do you need to put your feet up? How about some water? Zayn, get her some water," Harry ordered as he led Jade to the bed and fussed over her.

"I'm fine, really. I'm just so glad that you guys aren't pressuring me to have an abortion or anything."

"Of course not. But what are you going to do? About the tour and the press and everything?" I asked as I handed her a bottle of water and took a seat next to her on the bed while Harry sat down on the other side of her.

"I think I'm going to keep a low profile after we wrap up the U.S. portion of the tour next week. We aren't joining you on the European leg, so I guess I'm just going to take care of myself and the baby. As for the press, I'll probably just ignore any questions about who the father is for now. Maybe we can figure out what to say when the baby's born and we..."

"And we know which one of us is the father," I finished for her.

She blushed. "Believe me, I never thought I'd be in this position. But maybe it's meant to be or something. Like maybe this is the way you two are meant to become fathers."

I smiled over at Harry, thinking of my words from earlier about how we were written in the stars. He was smiling back at me, just as brightly.

"I think maybe you're right. Maybe this iss how it was meant to be. Destiny," he said as he looked into my eyes.

A feeling of deja vu washed over me. Once again Harry and I found ourselves sat on a bed with Jade in between us, and just like before, we were holding hands behind her. Only this time she wasn't just a conquest or a good time to us. She was a mother to be. The mother to be of a child that would belong to one of us. A child that would be ours.


A/N: So please don't hate me, I just had a dream about this and I couldn't resist the idea of a Zarry baby!

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