Chapter 33

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It was surprisingly easy to convince Jade. Actually it didn't take any convincing at all. Harry got up so that Jade could slide back in next to me and soon she was sandwiched in between us and obviously loving it. A few more shots and some caresses on the leg from me and a little neck nuzzle from Harry and it was Jade suggesting that we take the party back to her room.

We were all feeling the alcohol, so we laughed our way out of the bar, Jade hitching a ride on Harry's back. We'd just gotten onto the lift when a huge group of people from the tour entered the lobby, and I hurriedly hit the Close button, knowing that it would be a disaster for them to see us together heading to Jade's room. Luckily the door closed before they could hop on and soon we were inside her hotel room.

I immediately asked if I could use the loo and dragged Harry in with me, needing to set some ground rules before this began.

"So, how's this going to work?" I asked once the door was closed.

Harry smirked. "Well you see Zayn, when a guy and a girl and another guy really like each other..." he began, and I smacked his arm to get him to focus.

"No, you git, I mean, are we just going to touch her or are we going to touch each other too? Is anything off limits?"

Harry was quiet for a moment. "I wouldn't say anything is off limits, per se, but I'm not sure how she'll react if we start blowing each other or something, you know? Maybe we just play it by ear?"

I nodded, though it wasn't the answer I wanted to hear. I wanted to hear that there was no way that he would be able to resist touching me and that he didn't give a damn what she thought, but I tried to brush off the sting of rejection and just enjoy whatever the night brought.

When we went back into the bedroom Jade was sitting on the bed and the tension in the air was thick. Harry sat down on one side of her and I sat down on the other side after removing my jacket. We were silent for a minute, and I think we were all trying to figure out how to begin. Luckily Harry knew just how to break the ice.

"So Jade, this must be really exciting for you, getting both Zayn and me at once, you lucky girl," he teased. "Should we start off with a sword fight in your mouth?"

We all cracked up at this, and just like that the atmosphere was much more relaxed and not nearly as scary. Jade took me by surprise when she interrupted my chuckling by kissing me. I kept my eyes open for a minute to glance at Harry, but he didn't look mad so I let myself relax into it. A minute later she turned to kiss Harry. He immediately reached behind her back to hold my hand, and knowing he was thinking of me even as he kissed her made my momentary jealousy disappear.

Jade continued to go back and forth between the two of us, and I found myself getting more and more into it. Soon we were all pressed up against one another and Harry and I were able to keep our hands that were behind her back on each other. Our other hands were roaming her front, but his hand would often graze mine, sending a jolt of electricity through me.

I thought that everything was going well, but when Jade removed my tie and unbuttoned my shirt and started kissing down my neck I heard Harry start to grumble.

"Fuck this."

My eyes shot open, worried that he was upset. I saw him stand up and the next thing I knew he was sitting on my other side, biting my ear.

"I can't sit here and let her have you all to herself," he whispered. "Don't forget you're still mine."

"I'm only yours," I murmured, turning my head so that I could kiss him full on the lips. Kissing him felt incredible, and I was reminded that I'd rather be kissing him than anyone else.

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