Chapter 61

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"Would you like to know the sex of the baby?" Dr. Morgan asked.

I looked over at Harry, and I could tell from his expression that he was as eager to find out as I was. I glanced at Jade and she seemed excited as well, and all three of us nodded at the doctor in unison. I held my breath as he maneuvered the little wand over Jade's belly, my eyes searching the screen for any indication of the baby. I felt Harry fidgeting next to me, and I wrapped an arm around his waist, knowing that he was ready to jump out of his skin. We'd talked about whether we wanted a boy or a girl before, and we'd both agreed that we would be happy with either outcome. I knew that all parents had to say that, but I truly meant it. Boy or girl, our baby was already perfect to me.

As soon as I heard the sound of the baby's heartbeat, the sound that was now so precious to me, I began to feel overwhelmed. But it wasn't the normal anxiety that I dealt with all the time or even the fear of responsibility that I'd always thought went hand in hand with children, but instead an overwhelming love. I already loved this baby so much, more than I loved myself even, and I loved that they were going to be a part of us that Harry and I wouldn't have to share with the world. Sure, the press would write about our child and their picture would be in the papers, but he or she was created not for the masses but just for us.

"Well, I think you better prepare yourselves for ballet recitals and Barbie dolls, because you've got a little girl on the way," Dr. Morgan said. I ignored his sexist comment completely, too focused on the words little girl. Of course it was a little girl. I could picture her perfectly, a little princess with big green eyes and bouncy curls. I hoped that she'd have Harry's dimples, and I couldn't wait to meet her.

"I hope she looks just like you," Harry whispered into my ear. I turned to face him, dumbfounded by my love for him in that moment. I could tell from the look in his eyes that he truly meant what he'd said, and I thanked my lucky stars that I was having this baby with him.

"No way," I murmured, tucking his hair behind his ears. "I want her to be every bit as beautiful as you," I told him sincerely. He smiled and gave me a quick kiss before we turned our attention to Jade.

"A little girl. That's good right?" she asked, a tear sliding down her cheek.

"It's great. It's perfect," I assured her as I kissed her tear away. I looked at Harry, hoping that he was okay with me giving her a kiss on the cheek, but he wasn't paying any attention to me at all. No, his focus was on Jade's stomach, and the baby that was inside of it.

"How's daddy's little princess doing? We can't wait to meet you angel. But we want you to be nice and healthy when you come out, so you just stay in there and, ummm...marinate until you're a bit bigger, okay?"

I laughed at his choice of words before putting on an indignant face. "Hey, what if I want her to call me daddy?" I asked, crossing my arms over my chest.

"Too bad. I already called dibbs," he said, standing up and walking over to my side. "Besides, I'm the only one who gets to call you daddy," he whispered. I blushed, sneaking a glance at Jade and Dr. Morgan to see if they'd heard him. They were both pointedly looking away and I cringed, knowing that they'd heard every word. I elbowed Harry in the ribs and shot him a look. He smiled back at me, knowing that I was going to punish him for that comment and obviously looking forward to it. Kinky bastard.

We left the hospital shortly thereafter, and were met by a barrage of paparazzi just outside of the exit. Word must have spread that we were there, and they crowded around us as they shouted question after question, wanting to know why we were there. We ignored them as best we could as we pushed past them, climbing into the waiting car amid a sea a flashbulbs. I rested my head against the back of the seat, grateful that we so close to home. I was eager to climb into bed after the exhausting events of the last 24 hours.

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