Chapter 21

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I couldn't keep my hands off of Harry on the short walk from Lou's to my room, which probably wasn't the smartest thing since most of our crew was staying on the same floor. At that point I didn't care, too relieved that he was speaking to me let alone allowing me touch him. I put one arm around his shoulder and the other on his heart and held him as close to me as possible, not wanting to let him go even to open the door. Once we were inside I faced him and pulled him towards me until our toes, hips, and noses were all touching.

"Thank you," I breathed, my hands squeezing his waist.

"For what?"

"For being here. For being mine."

"You don't need to sweet talk me baby. I'm a sure thing," Harry said as he slid his hands under my shirt.

I chuckled. "I enjoy sweet talking you. I want to show you how much I care about you."

"Well, I believe I was promised something a little rougher. Didn't you say something along the lines of 'I'm gonna tear that ass up'?" he mimicked in his best Bradford accent. "Besides, I'm still a little pissed off, and this might be just the solution."

I felt my pants tighten as my mind traveled down the path that his was clearly already on. "I think I can help you out with that," I said as I pulled his shirt off and pushed him back against the door. My shirt joined his on the floor before I pressed my body against his fully, sliding my knee in between his legs. I loved the feeling of his bare chest rubbing against mine, and I reached one hand up to tweak his nipple while the other disappeared into his curls. He groaned when I pulled on his hair and I took advantage, slipping my tongue into his mouth.

He kissed me back just as roughly and started to grind his hips into my own. I slid both of my hands down his torso to his hips and then around to his ass. I squeezed it then lifted him up by the back of his thighs before slamming him back against the door once again. "Don't forget who's in charge here," I growled, and I swear I felt him get even harder at my words.

Harry was heavier than I was, and holding him up caused my arm muscles to strain in the most delicious way. I angled my hips so that they were holding some of his weight and I felt him grip my biceps as I thrusted against him, causing his back to hit the door again and again. I kissed him harder, feeling dizzy with want and lust. We'd only started moments before, but it had been too damn long since I'd been able to feel all of him like this, and each movement of my hips against his was bringing me closer to the edge.

I pulled away and set him down on the ground, not wanting this to be over before it really began. I immediately went to work on his belt, and as soon as it was off I opened his jeans and pushed them down around his ankles. He was so fucking hard, but I only let myself to enjoy the view for the few seconds it took me to grab some lube and a condom from my bag and to push my own pants and boxers down. They didn't make it much past my knees, but I was too eager to be inside of him to care.

I waited until I had put the condom on and applied a generous amount of lube to spin him around to face the door, knowing that he would want to watch me get ready for him. Harry leaned forward slightly, resting with both of his arms against the door near his head, and pushed his ass against me. I moved my slick hand to tease him until he was moaning and pushing back against me more firmly.

I slid one finger into him and began to pump it in and out. He groaned in pleasure so I wasted no time in sliding another finger in as well. He was so fucking tight, and the memory of how good he'd felt wrapped around me the last time I was inside of him was enough to make me reach around to stroke him.

"No, not yet. I'm too close. Need you in me first."

I pulled my fingers out and slowly rubbed my dick up and down his entrance. "I don't know Haz. Are you sure you really want me?" I teased.

"Fuck yes. Now Zayn, now," he moaned. That was all the invitation I needed, and I moved into him slowly, not stopping until I bottomed out. I waited for him to adjust before pulling out again sliding back in. Harry began begging me to give it to him harder and faster, so I started to pump into him as quickly and firmly as I could.

"Don't stop, don't ever fucking stop," Harry moaned, his grunts and whispered pleas spurring me on and making me feel more powerful than I ever had before. He felt so fucking good that I thought I might pass out from all of the pleasure I was feeling, and I shut my eyes to intensify the sensation. The tingling in my spine and tightening in my stomach told me that I wasn't going to last long, so I wrapped a hand around him and began jerking him off in time to my thrusts. Harry lasted only a few strokes, coming against the door while babbling incoherently, and I quickly followed suit, spilling into the condom and biting at his shoulder as I rode out my high.

We collapsed onto the floor as soon as I pulled out, both too spent to walk the few feet to the bed. Harry reached a hand up to cup my face as we lied on the floor with our pants still around our ankles, trying to catch our breath. I looked over at him, feeling barely able to keep my eyes open after the restless night and the fighting and now the making up, but loving seeing the way he was looking back at me. His cheeks were flushed a bright red, rivaled only by the dark shade of his full lips, and his skin had a sweaty sheen that only he could make look that sexy. But it was his eyes that held my attention. Their green seemed even brighter than normal, and they were glowing with what looked a lot like love.

"Happy Birthday boyfriend," he breathed as he pulled me in for a kiss. I kissed him back for a moment before sitting up to pull my jeans all the way off. I helped Harry get his off, then stood and pulled him up.

"Want to take a shower with me before round two, boyfriend?" I asked, wiggling my eyebrows suggestively.

"What makes you think you're getting a round two?" he scoffed.

"It is my birthday," I reminded him.

"Good point. Race you to the bathroom!" he shouted before pushing me back so that he could get a running start.

We took a quick shower, too eager to get into bed to really enjoy the extravagance the huge stall was offering. Climbing under the clean sheets in the gigantic bed and pulling Harry back against me so that I could spoon him felt like the only luxury I could ever want or need. I hooked a leg over his and an arm around his waist, and he immediately grasped my hand with his and brought it to his lips. I nuzzled my nose into his wet hair for a moment before moving so that my lips were against his ear.

"You know how much you mean to me, right?" I whispered. Harry nodded his head and I kissed him gently on the neck for a minute before moving back to his ear. "I just want you to know that I never want to hurt you again, okay? I never will hurt you again," I promised as I kissed his neck again and slid my hand down his chest and abs and wrapped a hand around him, moaning and pushing against his back more firmly when I felt that he was as turned on as I was.

I wanted so desperately to admit to him what I was feeling; to tell him that I loved him and would do anything for him, but I couldn't get the words out. This was all so new and terrifying, and my feelings for him had grown so quickly and were so far beyond what I had ever felt for anyone else, so far beyond what he could possibly be feeling for me, that the thought of confessing them to him made me feel vulnerable and out of control.

So I settled for showing him how much I cared for him in the gentle rocking of my hips and the soft caresses of my fingers against his skin. We made love slowly, bringing each other to the edge again and again but stopping each time, wanting to stay wrapped up in each other for as long as possible. I whispered into his ear the entire time, telling him how special he was to me and all of the ways I wanted to take care of him. Telling him everything he needed to know except for the three words that I most wanted him to hear, until we couldn't hold back any longer and all I could find the strength to say was his name, over and over again, hoping that he could hear the new meaning that it held for me now. Hoping that it sounded like love to him, as it did to me.

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