Chapter 43

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I let go of Harry's hand when we got off the lift, figuring we shouldn't push our luck. But I was happy when he wrapped an arm around my shoulder. This way we could be close enough for our friends to see that we were back together, but fans would just see us as being affectionate like all us boys were.

The other guys were already on the bus when we got there. Liam and Louis both looked a bit surprised to see us together, but Niall actually looked quite angry. He stood up as we approached the group, holding hands once again.

"So what's this then?" Niall asked, motioning between Harry and me. I stayed quiet, preferring that Harry field the tough questions.

"I've apologized to Zayn and asked him to take me back. It took a lot of begging, but eventually he succumbed to my charms," Harry said with a smile before turning more serious. "I really am sorry for everything I put him through, and I'm so glad that you all were there for him. I won't screw up again, I promise."

Niall nodded. "Just don't forget what I said before," he warned Harry, poking him in the chest. I immediately wrapped my arm around him and pulled him into a big hug, or as big a one as I could manage since Harry wouldn't let go of my hand.

"Thanks Ni. I love you," I whispered in his ear. He was blushing a bit and didn't look as angry when I pulled away.

"I'm just glad to see you smiling again Zayn. I haven't seen you this happy since before you two went away for that weekend of gay love."

"We went to Harry's mum's. I told you that."

"So you're telling me that no cocks were sucked that weekend?" he asked, making me blush and Harry laugh.

"Come here and give me a hug sunshine," Harry demanded, trying to wrap his arm around him.

Niall pushed him away. "Oh my god, you're hitting on me, aren't you? I know how you gays are," he teased.

"You're such a dick," I said, rolling my eyes and trying not to laugh.

"Hey, you like dicks."

"Only Harry's," I responded, sitting on the sofa and pulling him onto my lap. "And mine. I'm quite fond of my dick."

"It is an exceptional dick," Harry agreed as he wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled my neck. The other guys all groaned and pelted us with whatever nearby objects they could find. I smiled brightly, happy that things had gone back to normal.


As the days went by, I realized that things were actually way better than normal. Not only were all of us getting along, Harry having been welcomed back into the group and Louis now being more supportive of the new relationship dynamics, but things were better than ever for Harry and me. 

We seemed to have come to an unspoken agreement that while we weren't quite ready to go public, when we were just around the crew we were going to do exactly what we wanted to do. And what we wanted to do was be as close to each other as possible. If we weren't giving each other piggy back rides then we were holding hands, and when we weren't kissing we were hugging. Harry seemed just as eager to be by my side as I was to be by his, and I had never been happier.

The guys all made fun of how attached we were, teasing Harry as he climbed into my bunk every night, but I could tell that they were happy for us. I'd always been able to sleep pretty much anywhere, but Harry had become my favorite pillow. It didn't matter if we were on the bus or in a dressing room, I wasn't truly comfortable unless I could feel his heartbeat under my ear. He didn't seem to mind me resting on him. He never complained about having to have whispered conversations or only being able to use one hand to text, since the other one was where it belonged: wrapped around me. Several times I woke up to find him in pain, his arm or leg having fallen asleep, but he never once woke me up so that he could move, and if that isn't love then I don't know what is.

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