Chapter 56

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"You don't want me here?" I asked, the hurt clear in my voice.

"Did I ask you to come?" he demanded as he struggled to push me away from him.

"Well, no, but you weren't answering any of my texts and I was worried..."

"And lemme guess, now you wanna bitch about how late it is and blah blah blah," he sneered, standing as far away from me as the small space would allow.

"What the fuck is your problem Harry?"

"Oh, I don't have a problem. I just love getting five billion texts from you. Where are you? Are you drunk? I'm lonely. We're not fucking married Zayn. You can't control everything I do."

I grabbed my stomach as he spoke, his words hurting me just as much as a punch would have.

"Seriously, what is going on right now? Cause I'm lost," I admitted, walking towards him as if that would enable me to force a straight answer out of him. "We were cuddling in bed a few hours ago and now you're being a complete dick."

"Yeah, I'm such a dick, and I bet you just can't wait to run off to talk to Jade about it!" he yelled, getting right up in my face.

I pushed him away from me and ran my hand through my hair in confusion. "What the fuck are talking about?"

"I saw your phone. You've been texting Jade every fucking day, talking about baby names and what color you want to paint the nursery. What the fuck Zayn? You should be talking about that stuff with me."

I groaned in frustration. "I do talk about that stuff with you, you fucking idiot. We talk about the baby all the time. Stop being ridiculous."

"Oh, I'm ridiculous? Well, we'll just add that to the list then. What else am I? Oh, that's right. I'm annoying and I smother you and you wish I would give you some space."

I cringed, realizing that he must have seen the text that I'd sent Jade earlier, when I was sick and grumpy and just wanted to be alone. And Harry was right, I had been texting her, but not for the reasons that he was assuming. I just wanted to check on her, and the baby. Plus, she was a cool girl, someone that I could see myself being friends with. But I certainly didn't feel anything more towards her, and she was no competition for Harry. No one was.

He must have taken my pause for an admission of guilt, because he looked even more pissed off when I looked back up at him. "You like her, don't you? Of course you fucking do," he said, punctuating his words by poking me in the chest, again and again, until I was pressed up against the wall. "How could I have been so stupid? You don't even like boys!"

I felt my anger rising, pissed off beyond belief that he would accuse me of liking someone else while I was with him. "So what are you gonna do then? You gonna leave me again? You ready to walk away?"

"You can't bring that shit up every time you're mad at me for the rest of our lives!" he roared.

"And you can't flirt with girls every time you're pissed at me," I yelled right back, before taking a deep breath. "Hazza," I sighed. "Let's stop this, okay? You know there's nobody for me but you. It's always been you and it always will be you. Always and forever."

He looked at me, eyes shining. "Not when she can give you the one thing I can't."

"There's nothing she can give me that you can't. You're all I need."

"I can't give you a baby."

"She's not giving me a baby. She's giving us a baby."

"Well, why do you feel the need to talk to her all the time? Why aren't I enough for you?"

"She's going to be in our lives forever, and I just want us all to be friends. But that doesn't mean that I like her as anything more than a friend and the mother of our child. You are the only person I like as more than that, and I'd want to be with you even if it meant that I'd never get to be a father. You're worth any sacrifice."

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