Chapter 74

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I woke up in a panic, my hand searching for Harry before I even opened my eyes, my body knowing that he wasn't next to me before my mind confirmed it. It was the middle of the night, and I already couldn't remember the dream that had unsettled me, but I knew that I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep without Harry's arms wrapped around me.

I shivered as I kicked off the comforter and was hit by a blast of cool air, so I grabbed Harry's plaid shirt from the ground, smiling a little as I shrugged it on over my boxers, the memory of unbuttoning it for him before bed still fresh in my mind. The memory of what came after warmed me up just as much as the flannel did.

I hadn't heard Serafina cry, but I still headed to her room first, certain that Harry wouldn't have left our bed for any other reason. I paused in the doorway, leaning against the frame as I looked in on the two people I loved most in the world. Harry was shirtless, black joggers slung low on his hips, cradling a sleeping Serafina to his chest. He was swaying slightly as his mouth formed the words to what sounded like Girl Almighty. I could barely hear him over the insistent pounding of my heart as it damn near beat its way out of my chest with the realization that they were all I truly needed in my life, and that I had to do whatever it took to make sure that they were always happy and healthy and by my side.

"Why didn't you wake me?" I whispered as I made my way into the room, not stopping until my chin was resting on Harry's shoulder, my arms wrapped securely around his waist as I started to sway my hips in time with his. "It was my turn to get up with her."

"I know," he murmured, twisting his neck to give me a chaste kiss. "But you were knackered, and I never mind sneaking in an extra cuddle with Sunny."

"Well, I think I'm gonna need some snuggles from both of you to make up for it. Come back to bed with me," I said, urging him towards the door. He went willingly, and we were soon cuddled up in bed, Serafina still fast asleep as I curled up next to her with Harry behind me, his arm draped protectively over both of us. I stayed awake long after Harry's breathing became steadier and he drifted off, enjoying being surrounded by so much love, and thinking about what I could do to make this last forever.


My plan was set in motion just a few weeks later. I left the house as soon as I awoke, climbing out of bed and getting dressed as quietly as I could so that I didn't wake Harry up. I'd been on edge all week, and I knew that I couldn't risk seeing him today, too afraid that I would blurt everything out and ruin the surprise. I could tell that he thought that I'd been acting weird, and I knew that I should have been doing whatever I could to reassure him, but I couldn't handle his questions and concerned looks today, so I got out of there as fast as I could, sending him a text so that he wouldn't be worried.

ZAYN: Morning babe. Got some stuff to do today, but be ready to go at 8 so that I can take you on a date. I love you.

I ran the few errands that I had, calming a bit when I saw that the details seemed to be falling into place, and then I found myself with the rest of the day free, which left far too many hours for me to fret. I had been tense all morning, my nerves stretched as tight as a piano wire, and the notion of spending the afternoon alone wasn't an appealing one. I knew that Harry and Serafina were the only people who would be able to calm me down, and since Harry wasn't an option in this case, I headed over to the flat.

Jade answered the door with a smile. She already knew the whole plan, as I'd needed to confide in someone whom I could trust. Niall was notorious for having a big mouth, his inability to keep a secret for longer than five minutes practically legendary, and Liam was out of the country with Sophia. I'd considered talking to Louis, but I wasn't sure how he would feel, given his past with Harry, so that left Jade. She'd been wonderful and genuinely excited about the whole thing, agreeing to let me get ready at the flat since some of my stuff was still there.

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